Episode 4: Ceremony || Part 1

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Yeosang wiped the faux tear from his cheek as he did his last sniffle.

"Do not listen to Jongho's words, Yeosang; he just wishes to become King quickly," San says, helping Wooyoung sit him on his bed.

'Become king... quickly?' The fake sad boy thought.

"Yeah, those stupid Royals always mess things up. It is better not to...." San shot Wooyoung a glare. "I mean Jongho. Haha. Anyways, don't listen to him. You can be whoever you want to be." Wooyoung said, pulling his lips into a sad smile.

"Yeah, never mind him. Let's just dress ourselves up... Where did Seungmin and Bang Chan go?" Mingi said, looking around.

"Oh, they told me Felix had an emergency, so they rushed right over," Seonghwa said, fixing Jongho's bed. "I asked if they needed any help, but it turned out to be Felix ran out of sugar."

"Yeah, okay, cool, but um...why are you fixing Jonghos bed?" Yunho asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I like to have things clean and organized. So sometimes my body just moves on its own to clean things." He answered, finishing up the pillows.

"Damn...I should take you to my dorm and let you go at it." Wooyoung jokes, earning a glare from Hongjoong.

"No, my stuff is where I want it to be. I know where everything is." He said, looking through Yeosangs clothes.

Wooyoung scoffed. "Like on the floor and desk?"


"I, for one, hate cleaning. It's stupid." San said with a frown.

"We know." The boys (except Yeosang) said at the same time.

"You guys don't have to say it like that," San pouted even more.

"Awwww, Sannie," Wooyoung said. "I would hug you, but right now, we gotta make sure Yeosang is okay."

Yeosang just stayed silent the whole time and watched the friendly chaos happen.

"Oh, right! Hey, Yeosang?" San asked, earning Yeosang to look at him with his head tilted.

"I- AWW, YOU'RE SO CUTE!" San squealed before calming down (earning a few cuss words from Hongjoong). "Anyways- How are you feeling? Need a hug? A book? A plushie? Some ice cream? A new pair of shoes?"

"A what? New pair of shoes?" Yunho asked, sitting on Yeosangs couch.

"Yeah! They can make anyone smile!" San defended.

"No, thank you. Just you guys being here already makes me happy."

'I was never sad, to begin with.' He thought.

"That is like...So sweet." Mingi said, wiping away a fake tear.

"I may not be a part of this friend group," Seonghwa said. "But you guys are charming to each other. It's much different from the Royals."

Hongjoong stopped digging through Yeosangs clothes and looked at Seonghwa.

"Whatever do you mean?"

Seonghwa shrugged. "I presume it is that they all think they are already kings. Well, except for Felix, San, and a few others." Seonghwa chuckled. "But it is even funnier knowing that I am technically a Rebel."

"You are a Rebel?" Yeosang asked, confused about how Seonghwa got Royal Status.

"Yes, I know. Shocking," Seonghwa waved his wand in the air, causing some sparkles to fall when he said 'shocking.'

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