Ch6 - Foxy

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Brandon bursts through the door, rushing up to where Paige is laying on the couch. "Dude! C'mon!" it happily shouts, tugging at the sleepy boy. "You gotta see the note!"

"Okay, okay!" Paige laughs weakly. "Don't rush me, my head still kinda hurts."

"You're gonna love it," Brandon smiles.

"Aw, what?" Paige frowns. "Did you already read the note?"

"I did-but!"

"Brandooon!" Paige whines, falling on top of the other and flailing his arms a bit.

"But, but, but!!" Brandon laughs, pushing Paige back up and grabbing his hand to lead them up the stairs. "I have a good reason!"

"What reason could you have that's good enough for reading my mail?" Paige pouts. "Isn't that like, illegal?"

"First of all," Brandon chuckles, opening the door to its room, "You're the one who sent me on this mission. Ask Brandon a favor and you get a Brandon Job." Paige rolls his eyes. "Second of all, I maybe had a certain reason to look thatIcan'ttellyouabout," it rushes out.

"Oh, come on!" Paige pushes Brandon lightly. "Don't keep me waiting!"

"Okay, okay!" Brandon laughs. It tosses its bookback to the side and pulls a note out of its back pocket "Here you go."

Paige quickly nabs the note, barely containing his excitement. He unfolds it and it reads:

"Did you know that fennec foxes are nocturnal? Sometimes I stay up so late thinking of you, I feel nocturnal too... ♥


What's your favorite coloration of fox?)


Here's your hint! We go to the same school. :P)"

Paige reads the note. Then rereads it.

Then he bursts into a laugh.

"Oh my gosh," he giggles. "Oh my gosh."

"What? What's so funny?" Brandon asks, clearly not expecting that reaction from him.

"Their hint!" Paige answers. "It's so silly!"

"Oh!" Brandon laughs. "Yeah, I knew you would like that one."

Paige's smile is bright for a good moment as he reskims the note. Then, it dims.

"Oh!" he cries. "Oh no!"

"What?" Brandon blinks. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know the first thing about foxes!" Paige despairs. "H-how am I supposed to answer this question!?"

"Dude," Brandon deadpans. "You can literally search for anything on this wacky thing we call The Internet." It waggles its fingers in front of itself, trying to make a point.

"Oh, ha ha," Paige laughs stiffly, rolling his eyes. "Sorry that I got so excited I forgot the world wide web exists."

"Nah, don't be," Brandon says with a snot nosed grin. "It's cute that you so clearly like this so much."

"Aw, shut up," Paige huffs, playfully shoving Brandon, who shoves back. They go back and forth for a second, both laughing.

"Okay, okay," Brandon finally says. "Let's go look at some foxes."

"Alright," Paige says, only to be interrupted by the sound of his phone going off. A text!

squeezed to meet you: Hello again, Paige! I was going to wait until tomorrow to talk with you again, but I stumbled upon another meme I thought you'd enjoy. Here you are. I hope you like it! [IMG]

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