Ch48 - Days Out

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To say the next day was rough is an understatement.

Paige, after being convinced by Leaf, sits with his headphones in as he and his mom wait for Brandon to arrive.

There's no music actually playing though. Neither he nor Leaf could take the idea of any extra stimulation than strictly necessary right now.

"...Sweetie?" Quinn asks from up front.

"Mm?" Paige mumbles.

Quinn sighs. "You're as stiff as a board, sweetheart. I know this has to be about Brandon. Are you sure you don't want me to—"

"No!" Leaf yelps, the feeling so powerful they manage to say it out loud. Paige clears his throat and blinks for a long moment. "I-I mean...

"No, it's okay. You don't have to explain yourself." She turns back to him, a worried smile on her face. "Like you said, you two are big kids. I'm sure you can talk it out on your own."

"Mm." Paige nods, but only a bit.

Only a few moments later does Brandon make his entrance, opening the car door and climbing inside. "Hey, Tia Quinn! Hey, Paige!" he beams.

"Good morning, Brandon," Quinn smiles back with a small backwards wave.

Paige, meanwhile, does not reply. His eyes have conveniently slipped closed, head bopping with the fake music he was absolutely listening to.

"Paige?" Brandon asks as Quinn begins to pull off. "Is your music that loud, man?"

Paige doesn't respond.

Brandon huffs, reaching out a hand and pushing the other lightly. "Paige, c'mon dude."

"This is torture," Paige thinks

"There's no other way," Leaf sighs. "If we talk, he'll try and mention me in front of Quinn."

"You can just call her Mom, y'know," Paige thinks absently. "She's your mom too."

Leaf hums, but doesn't say anything else.

Out of things to do, Paige very slowly opens one of his eyes just enough to see out of it. He glances over at Brandon, who has his arms crossed and is slouching in the seat. Paige can just barely see his face, which has a pained expression covering it.

...Today was not going to be easy.


Since they don't share any classes together until after lunch, the two teens don't see each other until they enter the cafeteria.

Paige gets his food absently, not actually hungry enough to eat today, but just following the motions. When he walks over to the Bro Crew's table, he doesn't even think twice about taking a seat next to Brandon, eyes glazed over.

"Hello, Paige," Sue greets as they usually do. Bro waves, as they usually do. And Brandon...

Brandon pushes food into his mouth with each moment, not giving himself enough time to talk.

Paige pretends like he's fully present with a small wave and a, "Hey, guys." He opens his carton of milk and starts to sip at it, body otherwise limp.

The atmosphere is thick enough to cut with a knife. It's oppressive and feels like a battle neither side is winning.

Sue opens their mouth several times, but then closes it right after. They're really struggling to say something, but Bro beats them to the punch.

"Wh-what's with this r-ight now?" they say abruptly. "There's—there's like some—something... Something's wrong r-ight now. I-it's weird."

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