Ch13 - Slip of the Tongue

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-- A/N --

stayed up a little late to get this one out! i hope you enjoy! :p

-- END A/N --

"And, because of that, Silver is then able to return to a good, happy world with Blaze, and they all live happily ever after," OJ concludes. "The end!" he smiles.

Paige claps from beside OJ, having pulled up a chair. "Bravo!" he congratulates. "Amazing!"

OJ's smile turns bashful. "Thank you, thank you," he chuckles. "I've been working on that since Friday. I do hope it wasn't too verbose..."

"No! I think I understood most of it from what I remember and what you explained!" Paige grins. "Besides, I'm sure we weren't here that long." In truth, he wasn't really paying attention to how long they had been here, but as he checks his phone, he can see it's now 5 PM. "Oh my gosh."


"OJ, we've been here for four hours."

"Oh my," OJ gasps. "Apologies... I didn't realize my essay was so long."

"It's okay!" Paige says earnestly. "Like I said, I really love listening to you. Besides, it's not like we didn't get distracted every two minutes," Paige laughs.

"Yes, I suppose that is true," OJ chuckles. "But if it's been four hours, that means it should be around 5 now, yes?"

"Yeah, it's..." Paige checks his phone again. "5:23."

"Ah. Dinner soon, then."

"Oh!" Paige gasps. "You have dinner around now too, then?"

OJ nods. "Everyday at six. Ma cooks and Mom cleans and I get to do the dishes." He sticks his tongue out at the last thing, pouting. "I hate it, but at least I get to use my gloves."

"You guys don't use paper plates?" Paige asks.

"We try to minimize waste as much as we can," OJ explains, stretching. "Paper plates are quick and easy, but they add up over time."

"I never thought of it like that before..." Paige mumbles. "Should I ask Mom and Aunt Carmen to switch to glass plates?"

"Oh, no, no," OJ is quick to say. "This is just something me and my family do. You're very welcome to do whatever you wish."

"Oh, okay!" Paige smiles. "Well, we have about another half hour to kill. What d'you wanna do?"

"Well, I think I have spent quite enough time talking my head off!" OJ laughs. Paige's face softens. "So I think perhaps we should switch to a topic you know an equal amount on?"

"Oh? Like?"

"Pokemon perchance?" OJ offers. "I know we mentioned it briefly once you arrived, but..."

"Oh my goodness," Paige gasps. "I would love to talk about Pokemon!"

OJ smiles wide. "Wonderful!" He turns back to his computer for a moment. "Here, let me put on some music. I realize I neglected to do so after we got distracted the first time."

"My bad!" Paige giggles, rubbing the back of his head. He had wanted to hear Shadow's theme after hearing it be described as just the coolest thing ever. And it was!

"It's quite alright, Paige," OJ says, turning on the Sun and Moon soundtrack.

"Oh my gosh, Sun and Moon!" Paige smiles wide. "Oh, those are my favorite games!"

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