Ch10 - Boarder-line Dangerous

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The next day, Paige grabs his phone after he's finished putting on a bright blue hoodie and a normal pair of jeans. He opens the group chat he, Bro and Brandon shared and types in a message.

paige: So when do we leave?

Brandon adds on almost immediately.

branflakes: ya

branflakes: nd how r we getting there

branflakes: piper normally picks us up from ur place so shld we come over

It takes a moment, but eventually Bro responds.

brobart: nah

brobart: we;ll come get u guys

brobart: since ur so close tgthr

Paige squints at what Bro said, confused a bit. "T... tuhguhth..." he mumbles, ending in a gasp. "OH! Together!"

paige: Oh okay! See you soon!

brobart: ya

brobart: we' ll be there soon

Paige nods and switches to his texts with just Brandon.

paige: I'll come over now then, okay?

branflakes: ya sure ill tell mom

With that, Paige pockets his phone and grabs one of his small bookbags, different from his school bookbag. This one was a nice dark blue and beige. It was one of Paige's more liked outdoorsy bags that he owned. He brought it whenever he went out somewhere that wasn't school.

He packs his things and hops downstairs to where his mom is eating a snack. "Mom! I'm heading off to Brandon's so we can hang out with Kevin!"

"Oh?" Quinn asks. "Kevin from when you were younger?"

"Yeah! We're gonna catch up a bit!"

"Oh, alright, sweetie!" Quinn waves. "Have fun!"

"I will! Bye Mom!"

Paige makes his way out of the house and to Brandon's, humming a tune. "Hotdog, french fries..." he mumbles happily.

It's not long until he's knocking on the front door of the Aguja household once more. Footsteps soon sound on the other side of the door and it swings open.

"We're off, Ma!" Brandon calls.

"Okay!" Carmen calls out. "Hi Paige!" she adds on.

"Hi Aunt Carmen!" Paige shouts back. "Have a nice day!"

"I will!" she chuckles.

Brandon pushes himself out the door and closes it behind himself. He's got a colorblock t-shirt and shorts on and a drawstring bag on his back. "Hey dude!" he smiles. "We can wait here since Bart probably put my address in."

Ting! Ting!

Both teenager's phones ping at the same time. They blink at each other before checking their phones.

brobart: we're almst thre

brobart: ull kno its us whn u see us :p

"Speak of the devil," Brandon chuckles.

"Know us when you see us?" Paige reads aloud. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Dunno," Brandon shrugs, looking up the road. "Maybe they have a cool car or something."

"Maybe..." Paige mumbles, putting a finger to his chin.

There's a honk that can only be described as... elegant that rings out from behind them shortly after. Both teens turn towards the sound, gasping.

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