Ch8 - El Piña Pizzería

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Oh! OJ!

"Hi, OJ!" Paige smiles. "I'm okay! How are you?"

"Well and good," Orville replies. "I'm very glad to see you in good health once again. It's been quite some time!"

"Yeah, it has been, hasn't it?" Paige comments. "What was that phrase you used to say? Long time no see?"

OJ giggles. "That was it! Sonic tended to say it a lot. It was one of the things I picked up from him."

"Oh yeah!" Paige nods. "Didn't you used to be obsessed with Sonic?"

"Used to... is not very accurate," OJ chuckles. "But I am... less obsessed with it these days, I can say." He grabs Paige's hand gently. "That's besides the point though. Shall we do some hanging out like we planned?"

"Yes!" Paige smiles.

"Wonderful." With that, OJ begins to lead Paige off of the school grounds.

"So, what's up?" Paige asks. "I feel like we haven't... palled around in ages!" he laughs. "I really like that phrase you used."

"Oh, thank you," OJ says sheepishly. "It's, um... thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?" Paige laughs again. "You just used a fun word!"

"Well..." OJ rubs the back of his head. "Not everyone likes when I use... unique words like that." He sounds a little like a wounded puppy. It makes Paige frown a bit.

"Did someone tell you that?"

"Something like that."

Paige rolls his eyes. "Then they're stupid."

"Huh?" OJ blinks, looking unprepared for that answer.

Paige smiles. "I like all your unique words. They're very... you! And you's the best you you can be, you know?"

OJ's tight expression slowly melts away, making way for a smile of his own. "Yes, I suppose so, huh?" He chuckles. "I like your unique way of phrasing things as well."

"Thanks!" Paige beams. "But yeah! What have you been up to?"

"Oh!" OJ begins flapping his unoccupied hand. "In lieu of Sonic, I've found a love of steampunk! You see..."

The teen goes on and on about the intricacies of his new interest. Honestly, it's a lot of big words that Paige has either never heard before, or the meaning is slipping his mind, but he enjoys listening anyways. He liked spending time with OJ no matter what they were doing, really.

Speaking of what they were doing...

"Oh, OJ," Paige cuts in. "Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt."

"It's quite alright," OJ nods.

"I was just wondering, where are we going?"

"Oh? Didn't I tell you?"

"You didn't."

"My bad!" OJ laughs. "Well, that's quite alright as well. We're here, after all."

Paige blinks, looking up at the awning. It reads: El Piña Pizzería.

"Oh!" Paige grins. "Pizza!"

"Yes indeed!" OJ grins back. "I live around here, so I visit this pizzeria a lot." He pushes the door open and pulls Paige in. "Come on, I'm sure we can get a table near the window."

OJ remembered he liked sitting near the window? How sweet!

The two enter and quickly nab a seat near the windows just as they were hoping to. They put their bags down to claim it before going over to the ordering station.

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