Ch30 - Backlot

190 10 13

On Friday the usual song and dance is performed, the swapping of notes being an automatic highlight of Paige's day.

Today's note reads:

"You did spectacularly, Paige! Poetry is tied to one's heart. So, no matter how it may seem to you, I see the effort put into it and appreciate it for all it is.

Not to mention, you wrote it for me. Not to be shallow, but I think I'd like it regardless of anything anyways. ♥

That aside, I used to ballroom dance. It was fun, swaying my partner around, being in sync with them. I do so think doing the same with you would send my heart aflutter unlike anything else so far. You have quite the effect on me, you know! ♥


I was thinking offhandedly today, if you turned into a Pokemon, which one do you think you would be and why? Would my saying Charmander be boring? Because I think I can see some Cyndaquil in me. The roster being mostly only starters sure does make things a bit more difficult, no?

As for why... Fire types always intrigued me. I like their drive! I like how kind they are, despite their power to destroy so easily. And I specifically like how laid back Cyndaquil is, so yes! I think I'd prefer being one of them rather than a Charmander.)"

Paige blushes at the beginning of the note, suddenly feeling embarrassed as he remembers his silly little poem. If he had liked it though..... well then....!

Paige giggles to himself. Butterflies are filling his stomach rather fast!

When he gathers himself, he turns to Brandon, ready for his daily quip, but instead of looking sly, there's a look on his face that was... almost relieved?

"Brandon, what's up?" he asks, concerned. "You have a weird look on your face..."

Brandon blinks away expression and smirks like he normally does, giving a thumbs up. "Yeah, man! I'm good, I'm good. I just... I got lost in thought is all."

"Oh, okay." Paige has no reason to not believe the other, but he can feel his eyebrows furrow as he looks away. Why did he feel like Brandon wasn't telling him everything?


"OJ!" Paige waves. He was beside the exit doors, waiting for the other. "Over here!"

OJ quickly finds the source that is Paige and walks over in a mostly straight line, weaving through the steadily thinning crowd. "Hello, Paige!" he greets kindly. "I hope your day was well."

"It was!" Paige grins, clasping his hands together. "I got another note!" he whispers as loud as he can. "And it was so nice! I loved it!"

"I'm really glad to hear that," OJ says, an expression Paige can't quite place covering his face. It's gone before Paige can comment on it, though. "May I ask you to accompany me outside?" he offers instead, holding out a hand.

Paige looks down at the hand and blinks for a second before his face breaks out in an awkward grin and grows really hot. Was he supposed to hold OJ's hand? They used to do it all the time in the years before, but not since Paige had started having his little crush. Now it felt different.

OJ didn't even know... It felt like lying in a way.

"Oh for the love of god," Leaf huffs. "Take his hand or I'll take it for you."

Paige snaps up OJ's hand immediately.

"Sure!" he laughs, strained. He starts walking, taking the lead even though he didn't know where he was really supposed to be going. "You—you had a question to ask me, right?"

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