Ch14 - Crab Guy

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Monday is October first. Paige and OJ walk to school together, talking about whatever pops up in their heads. It's such a pleasant moment, Paige feels a little sad once they reach the school grounds.

"I have to get my first period class early," OJ says, waving at Paige. "I'll talk to you soon, yes?"

"Yes!" Paige nods, waving back. With that, OJ is off.

Nothing to do now but wait for Brandon. Paige pulls out his phone.

paige: Hey! Im at school!

Brandon replies in a couple minutes.

branflakes: b there soon <3

Soon... Paige stands near the school gates, waiting to see his mom's car. Eventually, it pulls up, Brandon hopping out.

"Hey man!" it greets. "Got your bag." It leans back into the car and pulls out Paige's normal school bookbag.

"Oh, thanks!" Paige smiles, pulling off his Eevee bag. He walks over to the front of the car where the window is pulled down. "Hi Mom!"

"Hello darling!" she smiles brightly. "How was your sleepover?"

"Um..." Paige mumbles, remembering the dinner fiasco. "Good?"

"Did something happen, honey?" Quinn asks, looking worried.

"Not really? It's... complicated." Paige places his Eevee in the front seat through the window. "I'll tell you when I get home, okay?"

"Okay, hun." Quinn says, somber smile on her face. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" Paige grins. "Take care of Eevee for me, okay?"

"Of course, honey."

Paige is ready to move away from the car, but then he gasps. "Oh!" He quickly rummages through his bag and takes out his note. Almost forgot!

But, with that, Paige backs up and waves, and Quinn drives off.

"Alrighty, man!" Brandon says, giving Paige one of its Brotherly Pats On The Back and holding out its hand. "Hand it over."

"The note?" Paige asks.

"No, your homework," Brandon jokes. "Of course the note, Paiges!"

"Oh, alright!" Paige gives over the note. "Be sure to get it to him!"

"'Course, playa," Brandon winks, throwing a finger gun. "See you at Lunch!"

"See you!" Paige waves, walking into the school instead of to the side like Brandon would do everyday. It must have a secret meeting spot or something with the admirer...

Paige shrugs. Nothing to be done about that.


Lunch seems like it comes faster than usual, Paige stuck in his own head during class. He thinks about the note he'll get today. He thinks about yesterday, when he made a bit of a fool of himself in front of OJ and his parents. He thinks about the day before, where he almost died.

There's a lot for Paige to think about.

But now it's Lunch, and Brandon has a new note for Paige. It reads:

"I'll be honest, I'm not too good at jokes! But here's one I heard quite some time ago. It's a little cheesy, but...

Did you hear about the mathematician who was afraid of negative numbers? He'd stop at nothing to avoid them!

I hope that was able to at least get a giggle out of you. I'd love to hear it again someday. ♥


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