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3rd person pov

'Jeong~han~' Seungcheol breathed out as Jeonghan started attacking Seungcheol's neck with kisses.

Jeonghan has Seungcheol's back pressed against the wall. His hand slowly gliding around Seungcheol's leather pants, squeezing it ever so slightly to earn a groan from Seungcheol.

'I'm so-orry'

Jeonghan was screaming at Seungcheol, holding Seungcheol by his neck, nearly chocking him, while his body pressed closer towards Seungcheol.

Seungcheol peeked at Jeonghan who was glaring at him. He did not dare to look at him fully. He knew what he did was wrong but he couldn't help himself. He felt like he betrayed Jeonghan. His heart, his love, his trust. He knew Jeonghan was breaking inside yet still held a strong angry face towards Seungcheol.

Jeonghan started licking and sucking Seungcheol's skin, ensuring to leave dark hickies all over Seungcheol's body. After settling kisses all over his abs, Jeonghan stood up, pressing their hard ons together, and griding on Seungcheol.

Pulling his own pants down, Jeonghan commanded Seungcheol to 'kneel and suck'. Seungcheol complied and took Jeonghan's length into his mouth. Jeonghan grabbed onto Seungcheol's hair and started pounding into his mouth. Jeonghan's cock was not as big as Seungcheol's but long enough to hit Seungcheol's back of throat.

After much pounding and thrusting, Jeonghan came in Seungcheol's mouth while throwing his head back, enjoying the pleasure of releasing, while Seungcheol swallowed every drop of Jeonghan's cum. Jeonghan then got Seungcheol to stand and kissed him. Their lips lapping over each other, fitting perfectly and Jeonghan tasting himself.

Sliding his hand down Seungcheol's body, tracing every abs, he unbuckled Seungcheol's belt and pulled down his pants, causing's Seungcheol's hard on to slap his hand.

'No underwear? Hmm?'

Seungcheol looked down, panting, as Jeonghan slowly touched his cock, sending electricity through his body.

As Jeonghan wrapped his hand around Seungcheol's length, Seungcheol couldn't help but trust into Jeonghan's hand.

'Look at you. Uncontrollably thrusting into my hand'
Jeonghan smirked, causing Seungcheol to flush but didn't stop his thrusting.

Feeling Seungcheol slowly thrusting faster and his cock starting to leak more, Jeonghan knew Seungcheol was closed. The way Seungcheol clenched his fist since Jeonghan didn't let Seungcheol touch him and his eyes screwed shut, Jeonghan silently slipped a cockring around Seungcheol throbbing cock and released his grasp.

'Jeonghan~' Seungcheol whined, unable to chase is orgasm.

Jeonghan slid up his own pants and side eyed Seungcheol.
'I thought we had something special. I guess I was wrong. Let Mingyu take care of your issue'. Jeonghan said, leaving the room, tears threatening to fall.

Seungcheol stared at his boyfriend's back just as he left the room. He knew Jeonghan was hurting. From Jeonghan's tone, he knew Jeonghan wasn't angry. He was just hurt and Seungcheol was the cause of his pain.

Pulling his pants up, trying to keep his throbbing cock within his pants and zipping up his pants proved an issue since his cock had 'expanded' so much as it was hard now since he could not release.

Rubbing his face and trying his best to hide his boner, Seungcheol regretted everything that had just happened. Whatever Jeonghan had witnessed.

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