Seungcheol Hiatus

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Jeonghan pov

* Quick uneven deep breaths *

I turned to look at him. There was beads of sweat trickling down his face and neck and his hands reaching to grab anything.

I immediately sat him down and opened a bottle of water. Holding the bottle steady, I tilted the bottle such that he could sip the water. I gave him my hand to hold while assuring him it was ok.

Cheol has been having panic attacks since our Japan concert and I am getting worried at the frequency it has been happening.

We were preparing for our Ode to You concert and Seungcheol has been trying to put a brave front and carry on with practice despite the anxiety he's going through.

Finally. I could not take it anymore. I could not watch him suffer any longer.

'Manager hyung! Can you take Seungcheol to the hospital? He looks like he is going to collapse any time soon. Please take him to the hospital'
I begged our manager.

'Seungcheol-ah! Let's go to the hospital!'

'Why? I'm fine'

'Jagiya... Please go for a checkup... I'm really worried'

'I'm fine Hannie'

'Please... For me?'
I played the 'For me' card that I knew would work on Seungcheol. He always gave in to me whenever I used that.

'Fine... Anything for you'

~ Time skip ~

'Emergency meeting in 5 minutes'
Manager hyung called out.

We never had an emergency meeting before...

'Seungcheol will be going on hiatus for anxiety issues'


'Jeonghan, I also recommend you go on hiatus to recover as well'

No. What would happen to the concert and won't Carats be very worried?

'No. I'm not going on hiatus'
I was determined not to go on hiatus.

'Jeonghan hyung'
The members tried convincing me to go on hiatus or at least rest but I was stubborn and didn't want to listen.

~ Time skip ~

I heard someone scream before I completely blacked out.

~ Time skip ~

Seungcheol and I are now both on hiatus to recover, rest and get better.

( I know this is a painful topic and a painful era for all of us but I really wanted to put this in. I'm sorry.

I stopped writing halfway cause I started crying and I went to watch Hit the Road and read their Weverse Magazine interview. I'm glad they are better and I can't wait for Be The Sun Concert! I managed to get tickets and I'm super excited to see all of them!!

I really hope they stay healthy)

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