Family outing

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Seungcheol pov

'Babe, let's go for a picnic'
'Just us?'

Jeonghan and I were cuddling in bed. It was a cloudy day with minimal sun and mild wind. I was scrolling through the weather forecast and since it wasn't going to rain, why not go for a picnic?

'We can bring the kids or if you want alone time it works too'

Jeonghan tilted his head, a hand to his chin, deep in thought.
I poked his cheek gently.

'Let's bring the kids. Then we, I mean you, have less stuff to carry by ourselves'

That's my Jeonghan. Smart and considerate. Considerate to me. Kind of.

I sent a message to the group chat telling them thag we were going for a picnic.

Seventeen 세븐틴 💎

Me: Let's go for a picnic 🧺

Seen (11)

Me: Everyone ok with the plan?

Seen (11)

Me: Mingyu can you prepare the food?
Shua can you prepare the mats, napkins etc?

Seen (11)

Hoshi 🐯 : Can we have a camp instead? Like overnight campfire and stuff?


Dk ⚔️: Let's go!!!!!

Me: Seriously? You guys won't even reply me!
Wonwoo can you prepare the tents?
I will get manager-nim to help us get
firewood and the campsite equipments.

Seen (11)
Hannie ❤️: It's ok Cheollie.

Hannie ❤️: Can you guys reply him though... he is sulking and pouting

Wonwoo 🐱: Ne hyung
Shua 🐰: ㅇㅋ

I turned off my phone and kissed Jeonghan on the head. He wasn't looking at me throughout the texting process yet he knew I was pouting and sulking. 😍

We all got ready in 1 hour and headed out. We had 3 cars to ourselves.

🚗: Scoups (driver), Dino, Seungkwan, Jun
🚙: Jeonghan (driver), Joshua, Vernon, Dokyeom
🚗: The8 (driver), Hoshi, Woozi, Wonwoo, Mingyu

Jeonghan pov
~ Many hours later ~

'We are here!'
We finally reached the camping spot and since the kids wanted to cook steak and all, we had to go the mart to get the ingredients.

I drove into the compound and parked the car. I got out and was greeted by Cheollie.

'How was the drive? Are you tired?'
'I'm fine. Can you help to take the stuff from the car?'

Seungcheol smiled and went to Joshua and Dokyeom who were carrying the groceries.
Heh, such a helpful boyfriend that I don't need to lift a finger.

'Jeonghan-ah! Go inside and rest!'

Cheollie, can we get the alcohol?'

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