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Vanessa's POV

Laura's Alarm went off and all I hear is a thud, I sit up straight away to see Laura laying on the floor, rubbing her head.

Vanessa: Oh My Gosh, Are You Okay?

I say running over to her, helping her up on to the her bed sitting her up.


Vanessa: Thanks, I didn't want to hear.

Laura: Sorry.

She put head down and started fiddling with her fingers.

I pull her in to a hug and kiss the top of her and she holds me tighter, I let go and smile at her.

Vanessa: Here you shower first.

I say flashing her a smile as she grabs her cloths and makes her way into the bathroom, I lye back and wait for my turn.

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Laura's POV

So Vanessa and I are walking down to the pools it at least 11:00 am so it might be packed, I hope we can get an area to set up and sit.

Vanessa: Guess what?


I say throwing my hands in the air, while she claps hers like a three year old.

Vanessa: I got us a job!

Laura: doing what?

I'm honestly frightened knowing Vanessa can get a little bit or a lot crazy.

Vanessa: life guards

Laura: not as bad as I thought it would be, so okay cool.

Vanessa hugs me and claps her hands like a three year old again and we finally get to the pool.

Laura: where to now?

Vanessa: well it's as crowed as I thought, so here so we have a clear view of the pool.

The girls walk over to a chair place their sunglasses on and lye down to relax, when a man walks over to them looks about his early 40s.

Man:I'm Guessing your our new life guards, I'm Jason.

Vanessa: Yea we are.

Laura: What do we do?

Jason: watch and save people.

Vanessa: awesome we got it.

Jason: bye ladies

Laura: wait your not watching?

Jason: No, it's cake time in the staff lounge.

Vanessa and I sit their and watch the pool waiting for trouble around.

Riker POV


he screams running and doing a flip in to the pool, causing a few people to stare, but Ross joining his and doing a backflip in.

Ross: me too

Rocky: I'm gonna go find my babes

Rydel: Gosh boys are so BOYS.

She rolls her eyes and exclaims boys.

Riker: Hey I take offence to that.

Ellington: me too

Rydel: sorry, I think, anyways I'm going to go make friends.

Rydel struts off, and I'm stuck with the tree stooges, defiantly needing a face palm, thanks Rydel.

I sit down on a pool chair when Rocky and Ross come up to me.

Ross: Rocky wants us to go with him to find babes.

Rocky: please.

He does pouty puppy dog eyes and he knows I can't say no to it, I roll my eyes and stand up to follow them.

Vanessa POV

Laura and I are just sitting there I'm on my phone looking up and every 2 minutes, while Laura has her nose in a book, bigger then my head.


He gives Laura and I a wink.

Vanessa & Laura: Umm....................Hi

Riker & Ross: Sup

Laura and I give each other a look before nodding and looking back to the tree guys standing in front of us.

Rocky: oh yea our names, I'm Rocky( he points to himself) that's Riker(points to a cute blonde, that shoots me a smile) and Ross (He's to busy staring at Laura to notice)

Vanessa: well I'm Vanessa, and this is my little sis Laura.

Laura and I sneak a giggle at this Rocky guy trying to flex to impress us, when we were cut off by a scream, I look to the pull to see a little girl has fallen in, as I go to stand up Laura's already jumped in and she did it in style, she comes back up with the girl and hands her to her mom and the Mom gives Laura a "Thank you" and walks away with her daughter.

Vanessa: good job

Laura: she needed help that's our job.

Riker: Job?

Vanessa & Laura: we're the new life guards.

Causing us to giggle considering we spoke in sync.

Rocky: life guard girls that's hot.

Laura and I both roll our eyes and I go back to my phone and she goes back to her book on something to do with Science.

I look up to see the tree guys walking away, when Rocky pushes the guy Riker, his name is I think, in to the pool but in the way down he hit his head on the side of the pool.

Laura: go help him, he's your age and cute.

I get up and jump in I wrap my arms around his torso and pull him above the water his brothers help me lay him on the side of the pool.

Rocky: save him.

Ross: give him CPR or something.

Laura: give mouth to mouth.

I get on my knees hold his nose, tilt his head back and and went in after about 30 seconds of trying I pull away and he sits up almost knocking me out and coughing.

Rocky: you okay buddy?

He says getting to his knees, Riker hits him over the head.

Riker: Now I Am.

Some girl comes running up from behind him and pulls him into a hug and squeezing the life out of him, she was honestly really pretty, lucky girl to have him he would be a great boyfriend.

Rydel: Oh gosh Riker, you okay?

Riker: could be better.

Rydel: I'm glad your okay, thank you to who saved him.

I slowly lifted my hand, and she pulls me into a hug and I awkwardly hug back.

Ross: Thanks, for that.

Vanessa: no worries.

Laura and I walk away back to our seats to see Jason standing there.

Jason: Girls

Vanessa & Laura: Yes

Jason: after seeing that you guys have had enough for today and besides Brad our other life guard is now here.

Vanessa & Laura: okay.

Laura and I lay back down and I pull out my phone, but all I can think about is that Riker guy.

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