Chapter 1

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Running out of my apartment in a hurry because it's my 3rd time late for work. Typical of me to get drunk every night without thinking twice about work the next day. My head is killing me and thinking why this hangover hit me harder than the others. Stupid shift starts at 7 in the fucking morning thanks Pizza Hut.

Luckily my shift is near my apartment so hopefully the manager there won't have a problem with me coming in..*looks at my watch* an hour late?!? I swear to god I am too dizzy to even tell the time. What is wrong with me?!

Opening the employee door seeing the manager just right behind the door.

"Heyyy,Uhm I-I can explain" i stutter not wanting to lose my job.

"That's it Y/N,I've heard from other managers that you have also been coming to work late so you are fired" Desmond,the manager, said while crossing his arms.

With the feeling of shame,I just walked out back and sat on the floor near the road disappointed. I took off my cap and threw it on the floor,and put my hands on my face still feeling the hangover hitting me. Still having headache,I hear footsteps coming towards me so I looked up. It is a woman wearing a white button up with a blazer and black pants with Louis Vuitton bright red high heels. Not going to lie she is looking hot to my eyes even though I doubt that I am sober,I am super sure that she is 100% hot.

To my surprise,she stopped in-front me and looked at me. So I stood up.

"Hey,may i help you?" I asked her clearly still having a horrible headache,

"Could you do me a favour?" She asked with a smirk on her face as she looks at me up and down,

I had no words so I just nodded and followed her. I know it is a bad idea but I am very curious on what "favour" she wants me to do.I looked up to look at her better and god she had a body of a goddess. Her hair looks silky smooth and I was still shock on how gorgeous she is. She stops walking as she reaches to a Tesla car.Dang,it's my first time seeing a Tesla car in real life. She opens the door for me and I got it not thinking twice. And so she gets in to the driver sit.

"So,I saw that apparently you have lost your job because I was one of the witnesses to see that. I am here to offer you a job" She asked while handing me a bottle of water

I drink the water and look at her.

"What job?" I ask with no hesitation because I am running out of money and the amount of debts I have.

"A stripper Job,I'll explain more but I need an answer now it's a hurry kind of situation" She asked starting up the car.

"Sure" Dumb me agreeing on being a stripper,i don't want to look like a slut in some club dancing for rich men and I accepted.

She smiles at me and drives to this huge strip club with a big sign called "Luxurious" with a fancy letter 'L'. That's where I realised,this is the most biggest and most expensive strip club in Miami.So this is where I am going to work for the day?! I could be rich from here!!

I open the car door and my god the strip club is huge! She then grab my arm and walk to the side of the place. I was confused because we passed the main entrance. She pulled me to a door stated as "Employees Only". Wow am I already a Employee here? I can't believe my eyes the inside of a strip club is dark with colourful lights shining everywhere. There were several platforms and all the way at the back of the place,a huge platform with 3 poles and right in front the platform there is multiple sofas facing towards the stage. I could already imagine myself dancing for strangers up there with a sexy outfit.

All my imaginations stopped when I felt a cold hand placed on my shoulder. I look to the side to see that hot lady again.

"So,you like it? I'll pay you to dance in an outfit I picked and on that huge stage, just for you darling," she said whispering to my ear as i shiver feeling her hot breath hit my sensitive ear.

I nodded and smiled because it would be so fun and sexy to be up there,especially in a sexy outfit. I walk towards the changing room to change and when I look at wall, all there is there is a sexy bunny outfit. Net pants,black tight top,black masquerade mask and black hills. I take the outfit and put it on. To my surprise,it fit me perfectly.

"Hey,you should hurry,the VIPs are already coming in" Hearing the voice of the lady outside the door.

I put on the masquerade mask and got out.

"I'm Em by the way,and I could see that you are Y/N,so good luck out there and just go with the flow" She said while pushing me out to the stage.

I take a deep breath and went out to the stage.

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