Chapter 10

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Here I am sitting beside Lauren in her office. Looking at the bed already makes me think of that one night that she fucked me. I take a deep breath to try and get rid of the flashback in my mind. I wonder how she looks like when she is working. I look to my right slowing to see Lauren flipping through papers and documents. God she even looks stunning from the side. I then look to the folders in my hand.

Maybe I should look at her one more time. I mean I want to see her again. I look to my right again slowly to see a pair of green eyes staring at me

"You really look adorable working with your glasses on" she smirked while looking at my lips

The words she said makes my face red and I look away. She then grabs my face and kiss me. I feel my muscles relax as I close my eyes. I can feel Lauren pulling my chair closer to her as me make out. She is so adorable and romantic every time. I love the way she does things it is killing me. This time,the kids felt different. I pull away looking at Lauren's eyes,clearly out of breath I can't tell why out of all kisses, this kiss felt different in a way.

I can see that she feels the same too as she feels her lips while looking at me in the eyes. I start getting shy and look forward to the folders trying to avoid looking at Lauren. I am still in shock. This kiss felt so different,it feels deep and romantic not freaky. Is this a sign? I am so confused. I cleared my throat and start looking through the folders and paperwork,Lauren doing the same.

For the next couple of minutes felt so awkward. I didn't even look at Lauren but I could feel that she kept looking at me.

"Can we please talk?" She said looking at me

I look up and look at her to see that she looks sad.

"Why do you look sad?"

"Cause after that kiss it felt like you didn't want to talk to me on top of that, ignoring me"

"That kiss felt different okey thats all and god I am going crazy over how much I want to make out with you" I blurt everything in my mind

She just stare at me not knowing what to say clearly. I sigh and look down in embarrassment. I then feel Lauren pushing her chair closer to me and look at me. I look up to see that she is smiling.

"Jeez why are you happy when i am suffering" i cross my arms

Lauren place her hand on the side of my neck and pull me in to kiss me. I close my eyes placing my hand on her face. I stand up in-front her and we kept making out. Lauren wrapped her arms around my waist and brought me down on her lap. I put my hand on her shoulder as she starts kissing my neck slowly. I wanted to moan,it felt so good,her lips are so soft and tender.

And of course every time we have to get interrupted by one of the employees. I stand up quickly and hid under her desk. Lauren went and open the door. The employee came in the office and sat opposite Lauren.

What am I going to do? All I can see is Lauren legs. Should I tease her? I mean technically it is karma for what happened in the elevator. I place my hand on her thigh. While Lauren is talking to the employee,she take my hand off her thigh. She really thinks that her doing that would make me stop huh?

"So what's the budget n- ahh~" Lauren said while i press my fingers on her pussy.

"Uhh Boss are you alright you don't seem well" the employee said

"Y-yes I am fi- uhh~" Lauren said as i press my fingers harder on her

As they kept on chatting, I keep teasing her and god her moans are heaven in my ears. Her moans are so sweet and soft.

"Well Boss,I'll leave you be and we will talk about it next time,rest well" the employee said while walking out the office.

Once the door close, I stood up in between Lauren's legs and look at her. She looks shy and her face is red. I grab her face to make her look at me.

"Stand up for me and sit on the desk" I ordered her to do

She stand up and sit on the desk placing her hands behind her and look away.

"Take off your pants and underwear"

Lauren unbuckles her pants and pull down her underwear. This is the first time I see her being submissive.It is adorable. Lauren then leans back and looks away. I place my fingers on her pussy and slowly rubbing her clit. Lauren looks away with her hand on her mouth trying not to moan.

"Don't cover your mouth baby,I want to hear you moan for me" i whisper in her ear

She look at me and place her hand down on the desk. I then push in 2 fingers in her making her moan loud. Her moans makes me so horny I can't help it. I finger her while kissing her neck,it is my first time doing this to someone and god it feels so dominating.

"F-fuck Y/N you're so good in this~" Lauren moaned in my ear.

Hearing that makes me want to go aggressively on her. I start biting her neck leaving marks. I then pushed in another finger making her so weak. She pushed away everything on the table to the floor and lay back down on the desk.

"Your fingers feels so good Y/N ahh~"

I take my fingers out and pull Lauren up

"Lick my fingers clean you slut~" I said to Lauren aggressively.

She grab my hand and shoves my fingers in her mouth while staring into my eyes. I can feel her warm tongue around my fingers.I sit down on the chair and put Lauren's feet on the armrest. I move in closer and start licking her pussy. It taste so sweet I can't help but lick more. I could never have enough of this.

"Mmm just like that Y/N fuck I'm gonna cum just like that"

I grab onto Lauren's thighs and kept on circling my tongue on her clit making her grab onto the desk and moan uncontrollably. It feels so good to have complete control over Lauren,more over,dominating her.

"F-fuck I'm gonna cum Y/N ahh!~" Lauren get back up holding my head and leaning back arching her back cumming all over the desk and my face.

I get up and look at Lauren with a smile on my face.

"Oh god I am so sorry Y/N!" She said while grabbing tissue and cleaning up my face.

"It's alright Lauren I don't mind it"

Once she finished cleaning my face, she kiss me and got up,wear back her pants and started to clean up the mess. I just sit down on the chair looking at her clean,it is entertaining.

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