Chapter 9

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Lauren POV

I don't know what to tell her. Is it wrong to have a fuck buddy? I don't want her to think about it differently,she doesn't mean anything to me,but Y/N, I can't lose her. I am in love with her. And it is killing me to feel like she is mad at me for something. Did she see Alex and me make out? Many questions starts to crowd my mind.

I felt horrible, i don't know what else to do,I really cant lose a girl like Y/N. God,I can lose anyone just not her. As we reach to the mansion, we get out of the car and I look at her. She really does look upset or mad at something but I can't figure it out. I try talking to her but she is giving me the silent treatment,it is killing me. I feel like a total bitch for it now. She walk to the elevator and wait for me to enter. Once we reach floor 3, she got out quickly and went straight to her room and lock the door.

I felt like bursting into tears right now it is that horrible. I walk to my room and lay in bed slowly feeling a teardrop getting on the pillowcase. I hate this feeling so much,I get up from bed and went to the kitchen. I take out a bottle of vodka and sit on the couch. I pop off the cap and start gulping down the beverage feeling the burning sensation in my throat for a few seconds. I put the bottle down and immediately felt dizzy. Grabbing the pillow cushion nearby,I lay down on the couch. Feeling the dizziness drowns my thoughts deep down,which is why I drink. I don't want to feel guilty. As the time passes by,my eyelids starts getting heavier and soon I fell asleep.


I am so angry at her. But it isn't fair to be only angry at her,I am living 2 lives of 'Y/N' and 'Y/S/N' technically lying to Lauren about myself. I feel so ashamed and guilty. I should apologise to her. I got up from my bed and walked in Lauren's room to see nobody inside it. Wasn't she here a few minutes ago? Where is she? I walk to the kitchen to find her and I could smell the aroma of Tequila coming from the living room. I walk towards the living room to see Lauren on the couch. I quickly went to Lauren and hold her. She is sweating and her body feels very cold. I shake her to wake her up.

"Mmm I'm sorry Y/N..I'm so sorry.." she mumbles

Why does she always have to get drunk,I hate this. I grab a bottle of water and forces her to drink it. I took an aspirin for her with it too. She leans back trying to sober up. I feel so sleepy and tired. I lay Lauren down on the couch and I lay in her arms. It sure is a cold day but i don't seem to need a blanket. Lauren has a warm body it feels like I am hugging a heater. Falling asleep in her arms is by far the best thing that could happen.

The Next Morning

Lauren POV

I wake up to see Y/N asleep in my arms. It is currently 2:15pm. We are supposed to be in work right now but it's alright. After all,I am the boss. I get up and look at Y/N. I kneel down to see Y/N face closer.

"Y/N,wake up we have work to do" i said whispering to her while tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Mmm,i don't want to" she said mumbling

"Wake up,it's an order not a question" i said in a strict voice

Her hearing that voice made her wide awake and she sat up on the couch.

"Argh why don't you suck my dick instead" she said mumbling trying her best to not be heard

Of course, Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado has the best ears. I heard every word she said.

"Oh darling I would but you see, you don't have a dick,so why don't I eat you out instead?" I said tilting my head a little to the right grabbing her thighs and giving her my "predator" eyes.

"I uhm I am sorry,I didn't mean saying that please not now cause i just woke up" she said getting red and trying to not make eye contact.

I got off my knees and kiss her. She seems to like it though by how she did not want to pull away the kiss. I keep leaning in and kissing her,putting my hand on her thigh and the other on her neck. I sit down on the couch and pulled her on top of me while kissing her. Something about her lips are familiar,the way she make out,is similar too Y/S/N. Forget about it. I put my hands on her thighs and she put hers on my neck. Slowly,I slide my hand under her shirt and touch her bare back. I can know that her back is a sensitive spot,as she can't keep track of the kisses and her hands grab onto my neck tighter. As I move my hand higher from where it was, Y/N can't keep up with the kissing and put her head on my shoulder. I can feel her hot breath on my neck making me shiver.

I want to tease her so bad. So I grab her and place her on the couch, I pull up her shirt revealing her stomach. I start kissing her stomach placing my hands on her waist. I can hear her sweet soft moans as i kiss her body. I went up to her and kiss her,placing my knee on her pussy and slowly rubbing it. She pull away the kiss and let out a moan while covering her mouth her one hand.

"Let me hear you moan Y/N,don't cover yourself" I said to her while pulling her hand away.

"W-work,we have to work now s-stop~" Y/N said struggling to speak.

I mean she is not wrong, we have a lot of work to do.

"Argh,fine" i said getting up

I look to my left to see Y/N staring at me.

"Can I get one last kiss?" She said with a soft voice

I smile at how cute she is and lean in for a peck. Her smile is the cutest. We get up and got ready for work.

We reach to lobby and waited for the elevator. As usual,I wear a blazer related outfit and Y/N is wearing a tuck out button up and jeans and her working glasses. She looks absolutely hot. We got in the elevator and got in with another employee. Me and Y/N were behind the employee and I miss teasing Y/N so I got close to her and slide my hand on her back. Right as I placed my hand on her bare back, she lean forward and place a hand on her mouth trying not to make any noise and the other hand grabbing my arm that was touching her back. I smirk seeing her suffer.

I really want her body right now,but I can't cause we have a ton of work to do. I pull my hand away and Y/N turned and look at me with a cute frown face. I smile at her and wink. We then reach the office floor and walk out. I walk towards my door and open it,quickly pulling Y/N in so that she won't run away from me.

"Are you crazy Lauren?" Y/N said

"Come on Y/N I know you liked it" i said while slowly pinning her to the wall.

"Come on Lauren we have a lot of work to do,no time to make out." She said pushing me aside and getting to the table for the folders.

"Aww man,can you at least work in my office?" I ask her while walking to her

"Fine" she said after sighing

I smile and sit at my desk and have Y/N beside me working on the folders.

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