Chapter 20

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Lauren is different..


I look through the glass panel,looking at the amazing view of Singapore. I have never been here before,it's so beautiful.

"It's a beautiful country,right?" Lauren said

"Sure is" I said still looking out

How did I get from working in a Pizza Hut place to this? I never thought I could experience all these before. Right as I wanted to look at Lauren, a phone started ringing by the chairs. It is my phone since I have a unique ringtone so I walk towards the phone to see who was calling. It was Em. I picked up the phone and answered it.

Em: Hey,having fun there?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Em: I heard from a little friend named Caden who works in Singapore. Told me that you and this Lauren Jauregui are there on a so called Vacation.

Y/N: What do you want from me?

Em: Once you get back here I want you to perform another session . Oh and a personal VIP session too,have some fun with the VIPs.

Y/N: Uhm yes,I got it. Just please don't tell Lauren about this.

Em: No promises.

(End Call)

I put down the phone and sipped some wine.

"Hey babe you alright?" Lauren said standing behind me

"Ah! Lauren you scared me!" Not knowing she was behind me

"Relax it's just me,I'm sorry" she said

Lauren POV

Lauren? Didn't know she still wanted to call me that, sure I get upset a little but who cares she is mine anyways. I walk back to the other edge of the pool to admire the view and so does Y/N. Y/N started to get close to me and touching my shoulder.

"You sure you okey?" I asked

"Ye,can you just hold me?" She asked

Without a word I pull her in by her waist and gave her a hug holding that position for a few seconds. She then pulls away and looks at me in the eyes. All I could admire at that moment was her beautiful eyes her soft plumped lips and her hot breath. How can this woman get any more hotter? I wanted to kiss her. Y/N please kiss me. Please,I don't want to make the first move!

"Oh Lauren" she said

I just look at her waiting for what she wanted to say. Y/N then slowly pull me closer and kiss me. Fuck,her lips are the best! I could never get enough of those lips. I grabbed Y/N's waist and pushes her against the glass panel. I kept kissing her and run my hands slowly to her neck. I used my knee to push her legs open and press my knee on her pussy. As she moans softly, I start kissing her neck while using my finger to tease her. She starts heavy breathing by my ear making me so horny for her. I stop whatever I'm doing and pushes her panties to the side and starts fingering her.

"Oh f-fuck Lauren please not now~" Y/N said trying not to moan.

I grabbed her shoulder and made her turn around bending over with her arms on the glass panel. Now I could see the perfect view of her back arching over the water. I then pushed 2 fingers into her and starts fingering her.

Y/N kept letting out her moans and whimpers in each thrust. I didn't bother to look around as all I could think about was her. I start kissing her back.

"A-ah~ Fuck Lauren~" Y/N moaned out.

Y/N then pushes me away and said

"Can't we just do this in a room Lauren?" out of breath

I smirk and went out of the pool and got my towel to dry off. I look at Y/N to see her face red,she is so cute. I told Y/N to stay by the pool and wait for my text. I then went down to the lobby to book a room closest to the pool level. I paid,got the key and texted Y/N to come down to room 8207. Waiting outside the hotel room in my bikini, I saw her looking around to spot where the room was. When she saw me,a big smile formed on her face. She is so adorable.

Out of nowhere,i just had a glimpse of the stripper i met at my club. Y/N looks so similar to her. Same body,same eyes,same voice. Coincidence maybe hm. My thoughts got interrupted by a hug from Y/N. Her body,so warm.

These thoughts are flooding my mind. I keep telling myself that it is a coincidence but what if it is not? I'm going insane. I let her in and she sat down on the couch. I shut the door and walked towards her and sat down at the chair across her.

"You alright there baby?" she asked

I just nodded and smiled.

"You know who you remind me of?" i asked

She just stared at me,blankly.

"Not to be off topic but there is a girl that works at my club that looks exactly like you"

She just stared at the floor.

Could that really mean...

She's not good..

"I'm sorry,i didn't want you to know that this way.." she stood up walking towards me

I can't face her right now..I just can't..

"I'll book you a flight now just please go home.."i said getting up and start booking a flight

"Lauren,please i'm sorry i didn't mean for you to find out.. i wanted to tell but-" she tried to talk

"SHUT UP...please just go..." i point out to the room door for her to get changed and head home

I can't believe this..

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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