Chapter 15

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Lauren is beside me while her butler drives us to the airport to go to Singapore to meet her parents. Apparently it is a vacation that she gets every month since she is the Boss. Lauren is beside me just scrolling through TikTok. Lauren then placed her hand on my thigh and rubbing it with her thumb. The things this woman does makes me go crazy.I wanted to kiss her but the butler is there with us so I'd rather not make a scene.

"So babe,are you excited?" Lauren asked me

The butler look at us through the mirror and smile

"Ye of course i am" I said smiling

"So, Mrs Jauregui, is she your girlfriend?" The butler asked

"Heh yes she is,please don't tell mom I'm not ready to tell her that,you know how she is B" Lauren said

"Yes Mrs Jauregui,I'll keep your words" He said looking back at the road

I place my hand on Lauren's hand comparing them. Her fingers are so slim and long and her veins are popping off her hands. My hands are just smaller than her which is lame.

20 minutes later

"Thanks B for driving us here" Lauren said to the butler

"Not a problem Mrs Jauregui,happy to help" the butler said

I grabbed Lauren's hand as she leads me to the back of the airport to enter the private jet. Ive never been in a private jet before so this is going to be so cool. Lauren walk towards the private jet with the initial 'J'  at the side.

Lauren pulled me up the stairs and into the private jet. I look around to see that it is mainly black and gold inside while the private jet is white on the outside. I love the vibes in her,luxurious and secret. There were around 12 sits around and the it has its own pods for privacy. Lauren pulled me into one of the pods where there is 2 chairs in that could turn into a bed. I sit on the chair closest to the window and look at Lauren. She is talking to the captain with the bag still in her hand and a guitar hanging on her back.

I look around,seeing that there are drinks and snacks placed at the corner of the pod. I look at Lauren to see her walking in and closing the door of the pod and put everything down. I just can't stop staring at how hot she is right now.

"Something wrong mi amore?" Lauren said

"Nothing babe just admiring every inch of you" i said flirtatiously

Lauren then sat down beside me and look at me.

"You really are the flirty type" she said smirking nat me

I bit my lip hearing that while smiling. I then lean in and kiss Lauren. Just a small peck. I pull back and leaned back into my sit. There was nothing in between us so she pulled me to her closer and held me. Her body is so warm and cuddly. I can feel my eyes slowly closing and I then fell asleep in her arms.

Lauren POV

Am I really that comfortable till Y/N fell asleep in my arms. She looks so adorable when she sleep. I put on my AirPods and listen to Billie Eilish songs. While still having Y/N in my arms, I pulled out the extension to make the chairs turn into a bed kinda so me and Y/N could cuddle. Y/N almost woke up when I rearranged stuff but she then snuggled into my arms. She is so adorable it's making my heart smile. I could feel myself getting more tired and comfortable with Y/N in my arms so I fell asleep. After all it takes a day to arrive Singapore.

10 hours later


I woke up looking around to find Lauren. She isn't in bed so I got up and walked around trying to find Lauren. I walk to the back of the jet and saw that she is at the mini bar drinking what looks like Tequila. Of course,Lauren has a drinking problem and she Is obsessed with Tequila. I walk towards her and sat beside her.

"Oh hey darling,you woke up, I didn't want to wake you up when I wanted a drink" Lauren said putting the glass down and face me.

"But it was so comfortable when you were cuddling baby" I said still being so sleepy

"Aww I'm so sorry,you calling me nicknames is so adorable" she smirk

"Shut up Lauren" i said sitting down beside her

"It was nice while it lasted" she said picking up the glass and chugging it down.

I look at the option and took red wine and poured myself a glass of it. I look at Lauren while drinking it. She put the glass down and look back at me. She lean in beside my ear and whispered

"I really want to fuck you so bad right now Miss Y/N~"

My eyes widen hearing her say that making me feel wide awake. I put the glass down and look away flustered. Lauren grabbed my chin and make me face her.

"Come one,we are on a private jet with only the pilot who is flying us to Singapore,I want to fuck you so bad right now in the pod,just be quiet~" she said

I didn't know what to say. Lauren stood up and grabbed my wrist and walk towards the pod. She then closed the door and pushes my on the bed. God my heart is beating so fast. Lauren then pinned me to the bed touching my body.

"Take it off for me darling" she said

I take off my hoodie and look at Lauren. Her eyes were so hungry for my body. Lauren then start kissing my body making me feel so weak. I can't help but let out a moan out of my mouth.

"Be quiet,you don't want the pilot to hear us do you?~" she said

I close my eyes feeling every touch Lauren gave. I could feel her pulling off my shorts and panties slowly while kissing my inner thighs. I put one of my hands on my mouth covering it. Lauren then started circling her tongue around my clit making me squirm uncontrollably.

"F-fuck~" I say under my breath

Lauren then stop using her tongue and uses her thumb. She then went up to my chest and start licking my nipple making me grab Lauren head. I love this feeling so much. I can feel her tongue circling around my nipple and then Lauren start sucking on it making me moan. Lauren put her fingers in my mouth trying to stop me from moaning out loud.

Lauren look at me and took out her fingers,

"I'm gonna cum~" I said looking into Lauren's eyes

I grab Lauren closer to me and cum on her fingers while Lauren breathes on my ear making my whole body shiver. I let go of Lauren and look at her and trying to catch my breath. Sweat dripping off my body and Lauren staring at my body while smirking.

"See,isn't that fun mi amore?~" Lauren said

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