Chapter 4

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Lauren POV

Well here I am driving a girl I found at the side of the road home. I change my mind,i am not going to send her home. Reason being because she is asleep and she looks very adorable sleeping and I am sure that I would never want to wake her up.

Something about her looks familiar to the girl I made out in the strip club,maybe her eyes? I sigh being very tired so I decided to drive her to my place instead.

I drive into the underground garage I have near under my mansion containing more than 5 expensive cars. I slowly pick her up and get in the elevator to the 3rd floor to my bedroom. I lay her down and tuck her in. Looking at the huge window showing the view of Miami makes me feel relaxed and sleepy. I take off my clothes and put on just a sports bra and shorts and lay down beside her and sleep.

In the morning

I wake up to the sunlight on my face. I get up to see that Y/N is not beside me. I look around the room trying to find her until I smelled something sweet. I hear noises coming from the kitchen so I went to the kitchen to see Y/N cooking pancakes.

"Hey princess,cooking pancakes?" I said

"Uh yes i thought that it would be the best thing to do for someone who offers me a ride and kidnap me in a wonderful house" she said focusing on cooking pancakes.

I chuckle and walk towards her and hugs her from behind.

"I would really love some aspirin for my hungover darling" I whispered in her ear


Does she flirt with every girl she sees?? But fuck I can't get over her,she is so hot. I put the pancakes on a plate and turn off the gas. Her arms are still around my waist.

"So do you just think that I would fall for you that easily? Let go of me I'll find some aspirin for you" I said.

I can feel her breath on my neck,gosh this girl is making me so horny for no reason. She turn me around and kiss me. And so I went with the flow, she stops kissing me and look at me dead in the eye and said

"Sorry I can't help it anymore you are one adorable girl that I have ever met"

I got flustered and look away avoiding eye contact. I push her aside,take an aspirin and give it to her.

"Thanks darling" she said while taking the aspirin

She then let go of me and sat down on the stool nearby. I can feel her eyes following me wherever I went,I pick up the plate and put it in-front her with a side of some butter and maple syrup that I found in her fridge.

"Could you send me home after you eat? I have to find a job so I could earn money to pay my rent" I asked her

"You don't have a job? Well if you'd like,you can come work for me as my Secretary since I need one" she said while eating the pancakes

I agree on everything and that is how I got a job that quick.

"Work starts tomorrow,I'll pick you up from your place and we will start working,got that darling?" She said looking at me with her arms crossed.

I nod and walk towards her to take the empty plate. Each step I take I get more nervous and flustered as I see her eyes on me.

I reach to grab the plate but she stood up and pin me to the counter. Fuck she is driving me crazy! Her in a sports bra and shorts are already so revealing and hot. And god she has abs,I stare at the abs as it is so mesmerising.

"You like what you see princess?" She whispered in my ear sending me shivers down my neck,

"I uhm I didn't mean to stare it's just that I've never seen those kind of abs befo-" I said getting interrupted by Lauren kissing me.

I feel so weak. Why am i so weak?? I could control her in the club,why can't I now?? She grabs me and put me on the counter and we keep making out with each other. I can't get enough of her soft and lightly pink lips,fuck.I then realise that I am making out with my boss and that is not good at all. I pull my face away from her.

"Uhm I don't think we should be doing this,you are going to be my boss and that is not a good thing at all" i said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Alright alright,I just can't take it anymore,you were looking so cute and god your lips are to die for" she said looking at my lips.

As much as I want her right now I don't think it would be a great idea to even sleep with my boss.

"Can you just send me home please?" I said while getting down from the counter,

She nods and walks towards the elevator and take me down to the basement.Wait,basement? This mansion has a basement? What is going to be there,expensive ca-

The elevator door open to expensive cars lined up. There are Lamborghinis,Teslas,Jeeps and more! My boss is rich rich,damn.

We get in a Tesla and set in my address for her to send me home.

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