Chapter 16

16 2 0

Lauren POV

"See,isn't that fun mi amore?~" I said to Y/N

By now we are landing in a couple of hours. I stand up seeing Y/N sweating and out of breath. God she looks so hot.

"Let's go to the mini bar,I'll clean up so we can sleep again later" i said

"No no babe you go drink I'll clean up" Y/N said while getting up and wearing her shorts back.

"You sure?"

"Yes Lauren Jauregui go drink,I'll be there soon"

I open the door and walk towards the mini bar to drink. I sit down looking at the choices I have in-front me and picked out a wine that I have never tasted before. I take 2 glasses and pour the wine into the glasses and wait for Y/N to come.

Minutes passed by and Y/N came and sit down beside me. I gave her the glass and look at her. She looks all smiley and adorable I can't help but smile. Y/N then took a sip of the wine while looking around.

"So are your parents fine with me being there?"

"I'm sure they will be fine with it"

"I get really awkward so I apologise in advance if I stay silent most of the time"

"It's alright babe,as long as you're with me"

Y/N smiles and stood up.

"I am really sleepy so I'll just go to sleep" she said as she walks back to the pod.

I am so lucky that I can even be around her like this. She is such an amazing person to talk to. I can't believe that I can actually be loved by someone. I feel so relieved that she actually likes me for who I am and not for my money like the others back then. I look at the time in my phone saying that we should be arriving Singapore in about 8 hours. Y/N should be asleep now since she was so tired from just now.

I stand up and walk back to the pod. I open the door to see Y/N already fast asleep in the bed so I quietly get in and close the door. I sneaked over to the bed and lay down beside her,cuddling her from the back. Immediately after being able to cuddle her,I felt so relaxed by the scent of her hair. It smells like roses and vanilla. Then I could feel her hand being placed on mine making me smile.

God I want to marry her so badly. I want her to be mine and only mine. She is everything i ever wanted. I know it's to early to propose but maybe in a couple months I would propose. I give her all my trust. As the seconds passes by,I felt my eyelids slowly get heavier.

8 Hours Later


*knock knock*

"Ms Jauregui,we have arrived in Singapore" the captain said

I woke up to see that Lauren is at the door talking to the captain about something. Assuming that we already arrived in Singapore. I have heard that Singapore is a beautiful place from old co-workers. I stand up and took my phone on the counter and put it in my pocket. Lauren grabbed the bag and her guitar and look at me. I give her a smile showing that I'm ready and she held my hand and lead me to the exit door. As we walk down, I could feel the breeze hitting my face. I took in a deep breath finally being able to breathe properly. I look down at my hand seeing Lauren's hand gripping on mine firmly making me smile. It was my first time having someone fall for me. I felt this deep connection between us and I would really love to be with her for the rest of my life.

"You alright there?" Lauren said

"Yep I am okey,let's go" i said looking at her

We then got lead to a Mercedes car,probably our driver to drive to the Jauregui house. I sat in the car beside Lauren waiting for the driver to drive us to the destination. I look at Lauren holding up her phone to her ear possibly calling her parents. I put my head on her shoulder feeling the anxiety rushing in thinking about meeting her parents,well her whole family indeed. I took in deep breaths trying not to worry Lauren as she is already has a lot of other things to worry about.

After a couple of minutes driving, the driver drove in a driveway of a mansion. It looks really modern and interesting. The driver then stopped in-front of the main door of the mansion where Lauren's family were waiting at. Lauren looked at me and said

"Don't worry,they are really nice" before opening the door and hugging the one by one.

I stood behind her patiently as the driver took out the guitar and bag out of the car and set it down.

"And you must me Y/N,the one Lauren talked about" Mrs Jauregui said

"Yes" I said with a smile

Lauren then picked up the guitar and bag and follow the family in the house. I follow Lauren in the house. The house looks very modern,mainly white and black. Looks like we are going to have a cozy place to stay in for a couple of weeks. Lauren walk towards a room upstairs that has a queen sized bed and a balcony. The room is huge and warm. Lauren put the guitar and bag down aside and walk around the room.

"This is where I grew up mostly" she said walking around and observing everything.

"It is a really cozy place" i said sitting on the bed

Lauren then sat down beside me looked at me.

"Did you know that you look very pretty?" She asked

"I do?" I asked back

"Of course you do babe" she said smiling

In return,I smile at her. I could feel the tension between us. I leaned in slowly and kissed her. Which then she does back. She grabbed my hips and made me sit on her lap facing her and we started making out. I can feel her cold hands getting up my hoodie touching my bare back making me moan softly.

"We are going to have dinner so- " Taylor,Lauren's sister,asked opening the door seeing us

I got so shocked and I stood up looking at Taylor not saying a word

"It is not what it looks like!" Lauren said to Taylor while standing up.

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