Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV:

This work is stressing me out. I can't handle being the boss in this company anymore. My secretary quit her job and that makes me feel more pressured with all these work.

I look at the class of whiskey on the table and chug it down not giving a damn about the burning sensation on my throat after drinking the whiskey. I take a whiskey bottle and started drinking from there because of how lazy I am to pour it into the cup over and over again.

Sips turn into big gulps over and over again. My head started to spin and my vision was horrible. I put the bottle on the table and lean back to rest. I close my eyes trying to avoid the feeling of the world spinning so fast right now.Feeling dizzy,I fell asleep.

The Next Morning

Getting hit by the sunlight through my huge office window. Of course being the richest in Miami and owning a huge building is quite astonishing. Money isn't a problem to me anymore. These days, I felt off. I feel unloved especially when both of my parents passed away. I feel horrible.

Getting a lover was no problem to me. After all I am that one hot person that everyone falls for,even girls fall for me which I was fine with because I am Bisexual.But these days,I can't find anyone exciting,it is so hard to find someone hard to please.

Not to forget,I own the biggest strip club in Miami called "Luxurious". Since it opened I never got the chance to visit there so maybe I should go there and visit and see how much it changed.

By now,my hangover got a little better so I get up and got dressed to go to the strip club. I take out a tight blazer set and put it on.Ah yes,my go to outfit. I put on this outfit for meetings or important dinners. Yet nobody has a problem with it,so I am fine with it.

I fix my hair and walk out my office and wait for the elevator. Of course,this building is 20 storeys high.

*30 Minutes Later*

Well looks like my Tesla car has stopped since it was on autopilot to the Luxurious Strip Club. Surprisingly this place still looks brand new. To be honest I am still quite tired so I am just going to take a nap in this car. Im sure it is fine.

*5 Hours Later*

Well thinking that I was going to fall asleep for only an hour,I slept for 5 hours.Nice.Well I guess it is the perfect timing though because night time is where all the hot strippers come and work in the Luxurious. After all I am here to probably relax and have some fun. Mainly to find a stripper to fuck.

I open the car door and walk towards the entrance. Since I am the owner of Luxurious, they let me in without a question. The inside still looks the same as when it first opened. I could smell the aroma of wine lingering in the air and the strip club being dark on many spots but the stages built in it.

I walk towards the biggest stage. Apparently the couch near the stage is only for the VIPs. Well I guess there is where I'm sitting then, I heard from the bartenders that there is a new stripper today. Im looking forward to it. Sitting on the leather couch looking at the stage to see the new stripper and probably try get her to my mansion today.

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