Chapter 8

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It is already 11pm. Lauren has been asleep since morning in her office and most of the people already left to go home. It's just me and Lauren. I still can't forget what Lauren did to me. I look in the mirror to see hickeys on my neck,dark hickeys.

The hickeys made me think of what happened in the office and I get really flustered and get up. I walk to see the empty work place. Slowly walking to Lauren's office, I open the door to her sitting at the edge of her bed.

"Lauren? Are you okey?" I said getting in the room and closing the door.

"Y/ head hurts like hell" she said putting her hands on her face.

I took a bottle of water and give it to her. I sit down beside her. She place her head on my shoulder as she drinks the water.

"Did something happen while I was drunk? Why is my belt on the floor?"she asked me while looking at me in the eyes

Does she not remember what we she did to me? Was she too drunk to know? I really thought that we could have a closer relationship since then. Sure I got upset but maybe it's for the best.

"Nothing really you just got drunk and fell asleep on the bed,that's all" I said while patting her thigh

She smile at me and got up to tidy up her clothes.

"We should head home darling it's getting dark" she said looking at me

"Ye sure,I'll meet you outside" i said walking out the office

Should I tell her about what happened? Maybe I should. I wait for her outside the building. A few minutes went buy and she picked me up. I sit in the car and looked at her.

"Why do you have hickeys on your neck? Who gave them to you?" She said putting her hands on the hickeys inspecting them

"About that,you gave them to me,you were so drunk back in the office and you kind of fucked me" I said looking down feeling embarrassed

Lauren POV

I did what?!? I can't believe what she said as she explains every detail about what happened back in the office as the car drives autopilot. I lean back trying to process every word Y/N said. Sure I am happy that I did that to her but I was drunk.

"Hey,it's alright I liked it a lot" she said smiling at me while grabbing my hand making me smile.

We then reached home and parked in the underground parking and got out of the car. I can feel my head throbbing and my vision getting blurry. Y/N then grabbed my arm to support me up to the room. What would I do without Y/N.We got in the room and Y/N lay me down for me to sleep.

"Get some sleep,I'll be in my room alright" she said tucking me in.

I didn't want her to leave me yet,I need her around me,so I grabbed her wrist.

"No please stay,I need you with me" i said

"Fine" she said as she scoffed

She got in bed with me beside me and get ready to sleep. I love the perfume that Y/N is using. It smells sweet,I really like it. She has her back turned to me,I cuddle her from the back and fell asleep.

The next morning


I wake up to the sun shining at my face,which was annoying because I wanted to sleep more. I don't know if it is a good choice to go to work today. Im pretty sure her head feels like it's throbbing like hell when she wakes up.

I got up and walk to find any painkiller and a bottle of water for her when she wakes up. I place them on the nightstand beside the bed and walk to the kitchen to cook breakfast for Lauren.I place my phone on the counter and saw a text for Em.

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