John is hit with a Phoenix Ball of destructrion in the back as Mega Broly smiles and says "Always have insurance in case you need it" John drops the sword it lands on Mega Broly who is knocked out cold from the sword and his attack vanishes now that Mega Broly has been beaten. John goes over to Lucy and brings her back to life with the blood she stabs John in the gut killing him than she brings him back to life with the blood. After that she brings everyone back to life with the blood. John goes over to Mega Broly and sends out a signal to the Gods for a pick up they will be there in an hour or two. John Lucy and Cortana go back to John's to celebrate beating Mega Broly. Max says "John what's going on why are you excited?" John says "I just beat Mega Broly" The entire neighorhood comes into the house they all party for this is great news. Two hours later on the news "Ok we have confirmed that a massacure happened but there is no body left in this body shaped creater so someone must have lied about beating Mega Broly or they beat him and someone took him to safety" John says "I know I beat him he was in that creater I know he was" John is thought to be a liar everyone goes home no one believes him anymore. Lucy says "I know you beat him I saw him as well" John says "I should have just killed him I am a fool" Jasmine says "Hopefully Mega Broly will want to fight again than you can kill him" John says "Something he said is terrorfying he said that he could only use one percent of his power what if he ever gets to one hundred percent full power than no one will be safe" Max says "So the hunt will have to start over?" John says "No we are just back to square one."
The legacy of John book 2
ActionThis is a continuation of The Legacy of John book 1