Unforunately that is extremely hard because not many are still alive so he realizes that the only two people are already on the team. John knows that he can't win with just Omega Broly on his side so he changes the game and he goes into an unknown Dimension where he finds two very powerful fighters. A good one and a bad guy he recruits the good guy who is called Goku and he leaves. Monster recruits the Destroyers. Insanity recruits the second powerful guy in that unknown dimension his name is Vegeta. Mega Broly breaks into a prison Dimension and frees the most powerful prisoner who joins team Evil. Team Evil now has nine members but team Good only has three members. John thinks of bringing someone back from the dead to join his team. Unfortunately Insanity has already thought about doing this. John doesn't make it fast enough and Insanity has destroyred all of the corpses of any good person that could have helped John. Insanity takes the corpses of the dead Evil fighters and steals their power and gives it to Lord Trump and Captin Hook reviveing them as well. Lord Trump says "We need to build a wall" Captin Hook kills Lord Trump. Captin Hook says "No need a wall can't save the dead now than what do you want from me?" Insanity says "I want you to join team Evil in the tornament of Life and Death we win we can end all life do you want in?" He says "Yes I am in only if when we win I can have all the treasure that I want" Insanity smiles and says "Welcome to the team Captain" Captain hook has joined Team Evil bringing their team to ten members.