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Evil Mega Broly punches John in the face with all of his strength and power behind it. John is not dead or removed from the fight yet. Evil Mega Broly puts out an arm and prepares to hit both fighters with a full power all out Evil Darkness Bloodlust Energy cannon. Madara says in his mind "He is going to kill us if he hits us with that thing" Evil Mega Broly sends out the attack. It is slapped away. John says "Omega Broly is that you? Why did you stay here?" Omega Broyl says "I am here to kick this wannabe punk ass bitch's ass" Evil Mega Broly's darkness that is around him gets more and more powerful by the second he yells out in pain as he is consumed by the Darkness that is inside him. Insanity ends up feeling this Dark power and she says "Oh no what is this Dark power it can't be coming from me and my father could never have this much Darkness if he really wanyed to and it can't be my mom she is still sealed away and this Darkness is more powerful than my mom's Dark power it is like there is no end to this dark power" Monster thinks to himself than he remembers something he says "It can't be" Insanity says "What is it?" Monster says "It's your DNA" Insanity doesn't catch on she says "What are you talking about?" Monster says "You gave the Doctor some of your DNA he added that to Mega Broly so this is your DNA giving his Evil Bloodlust power" Insanity says "That is impossible he should not even have the power of Darkness inside him how does he have it and have this much desire to kill?"

The legacy of John book 2Where stories live. Discover now