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John gets to his feet and makes a run for it as the full force and power of the energy hits Mega Broly than the entire dimension blows up around him at the same time. John manages to escape with his life. The voice says "Mega Broly has been killed he is therefore removed from the fight and John is temporaily removed from the fight he can join again in five minutes" Five minitues later John is back in the fight he begins to sprint he sees Captain Hook stab Omega Broly with one hand and with his second he keeps him up on his feet for a stab victory. John creates a Devil sword he throws it at Captain Hook and it stabs his good arm than John throws a God sword stabbing him in the leg knocking him to his knees. Omega Broly punches Captain hook in the face. The voice says "Both Captain hook and The Pirate King have been removed from the fight Captain hook was removed by Omega Broly and the Pirate King has been removed by Monster!" Before John saved Omega Broly from Mega Broly. Monster and John were fighting when the get interupted by The Pirate King who says "Leave John I will take care of him go save your teammates before that brute takes all of them out of the fight" John says "Thank you I will just becareful" The pirate king beats Monster one minute later and says "Any last words before I remove you from the fight" Monster smiles and says "Yes I do" The Pirate King says "What are they?" Monster says "Do it Mega Broly defeat the man before me" Mega Broly arrives and punches the Pirate King who blocks it with his swords which are destroyred and most of his bones are broken. Mega Broly leaves and Monster begins to beat up The Pirate King.

The legacy of John book 2Where stories live. Discover now