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Flame princess says "Please don't go you are the only person that I know the first person to spend time with me you are my only friend please don't go you can't go the universe is way too dangerous for a six year old" Mega Broly says "I know but I was in a pod until just six months ago I want to see everything the universe has to offer" Flame princess says "Please don't go if something were to happen to you I have no idea what I would do I need you in my life please take me with you if you won't stay than take me with you" Mega Broly says "Ok you can come with me but just keep in mind that I have a darkside that has a thirst for blood and if I ever hurt you I have no idea what I would do so please make a choice if I don't take you with me than I will return for you one day if I do than you have to avoid me when my darkside comes out and you will have nightmares so what do you want to do?" She thinks about this for some time than says "Do you promise that you will return to see me?" Mega Broly says "Yes" She says "Say it" Mega Broly says "I promise that I will return to you one day" She says "Thank you I will wait here for you" Mega Broly says "I will be back I promise take care of yourself" Flame Princess says "I will try take care of yourself as well" Monster arrives he says "It's time to go I hope you said your goodbyes lets go we have to meet up with everyone at the center of the universe!"

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