page 26 Insanity awakens her Darkness

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Monster says "Destroy everything? Kill everyone? But why?" Lord Evil says "Why not it will be fun that is the only reason do we have to kill another loved one of yours don't forget we own you at any time we can kill your entire family so you better behave unless you want to lose everything" Insanity says "Mom what are you talking about? What did you do?" Carnage says "We gave you a boyfriend we took his entire family from him and forced him to be your boyfriend he never really cared about you he only wanted to keep his family alive that is the truth why do you think he never kills he lets people live it's because he is a good person in fact he has the pure light inside him it's in his DNA he was never one of us" Insanity says "You are lying Monster please tell me that it is not true" Monster gives her a look that tells everything Insanity says "No it can't be true noo!" Insanity yells out in anger sadness and pain as the Pure Darkness inside of her activates and her power begins to come out. The entire building gets covered in Darkness as her power grows larger and larger until the whole town is covered in Darkness as well. The bloodlust her Insanity and learning the truth has turned her into a nearly unlimted powerful ruthless blood thirsty new Insanity. The New Insanity says "Don't worry Monster I won't kill you I will let you watch your entire family get slughterd before I make you pay for doing this to me" Insanity is made the new team leader she thinks to herself than says "I have changed my mind you will die first you and your Lightning might be a threat to Mega Broly so goodbye!"

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