Jasmine says "I found six heros for your team" John says "Where can I find them?" Jasmine says "They are already here" John says "They are?" Jasmine says "Yes come out guys say hell to team good" Max Jackson Flare Lucy and Cortana appear John says "Who is the sixth hero?" Jasmine says "I am" John says "No I can't let you guys risk your lives in this fight" Max says "Come on dude you need us otherwise you will be killed than we all will die come on let us help you" John thinks over it and than says "Fine all of you can join except for Jasmine she is pregnant I won't risk the baby's life" Jasmine says "I am joining you I have to keep you safe this might be my only chance to keep you safe I want to help" John thinks very hard about this than he says "If you are in an unwinable battle you must get out of there as fast as you can deal?" Jasmine says "Thank you" John says "Sleep now because for the next six days you wont be able to I have to train you that way you can at least survive" The next day John starts to train them they train for six days. The last day before the teams meet up. In a mountain two people were training. The Flame princess says "How was that?" Mega Broly says "See after just four months you have masterd that fire power of yours way to go Flame princess so I am only going to be here for today than I might never see you again" Flame princess begins to cry and she runs up to him and gives him a hug.
The legacy of John book 2
AcciónThis is a continuation of The Legacy of John book 1