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Madara says "How about if you land an attack and end up killing someone by mistake are you removed from the fight?" The person says "Yes and no you are removed for a temporary amount of time when that time is up you can return" Insanity says "Can you still be attacked if you are temporally removed from the fight?" The person says "No you can't be attacked until you return to the fight" Madara says "Is this a tornament?" The person says "No it is not everyone will be fighting at the same time" Monster says "What if we destroy the battlefeild are we removed from the fight?" The person says "Only if someone dies" John says "Is there a time limit?" captain Hook says "What about switching teams is that allowed during the fight?" The person has to think about it after all it is only supposed to be Good vs Evil so team switching wasn't thought of they say "Yes it is allowed" Someone says "How do we know who the winning team is do we do it by which team has eliminated the most people?" The person says "No we will do this by last team standing wins" Monster says "What if someone is thought to have died in an explsion and returns what happens?" The person says "They will be let back in the fight and their team can still win if they are the last person standing now anymore questions?" John says "How long do we have before the day of the fight?" The person says "One month from today" Jasmine says "What time will it start and where should we wait?" The person says "One pm and right here anything else?" No one says anything the person says "So than I will be on my way see you in a month" They leave.

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