Insanity says "I am like this thanks to my mom I am her daughter after all" Monster says "Hey didn't she get sealed away a while back?" Insanity says "Yeah that was the last time I ever saw my mom" Lord Evil arrives and says "Mom is here did you miss me?" Insanity says "Mom your here I missed you" Lord Evil says "I am here to see your husband where is my son in law?" Insanity says "How did you know about that mother?" Lord Evil says "Your father who else he told me everything" Insanity says "Don't talk about dad please Monster hates him already so if he knew than someone might die please mother" She says "Fine I won't now tell me where is he hiding?" Monster walks out of a room and says "Are you sure you didn't just misplace it?" Monster spots Lord Evil and says "Who's your friend?" Insanity says "She's my mother" Monster says "Oh she is your mom wait your mother?" Monster panics and says "I just remembered I have to go the store bye" Monster vanishes afraid. Lord Evil says "So I guess you told him about me a normal reaction although most normal people would have left when you tell them about me" Insanity says "Well you see he has the idea that if he met you than you would take his life who can blame him you do have a history of killing my boyfriends even after yo were sealed I was always worried that if I ever had a boyfriend you would kill them that was until I met him than I knew he was the one" Lord Evil says "Ok anyway has it started yet?"