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Monster enters a Dimension ruled by a bloodthirsty monster that takes joy from everyone that lives in it's dimension and is said to eat kids as well as can steal your soul with just one look into it's eyes. Monster goes to that Monsters castile and goes inside. The Monster says "What do you want? Are you here to die?" Monster says "So you are the Grinch?" The Monster says "So you have heard about me?" Monster says "That is why I am here I came to ask you something" The Grinch says "What is it? Hurry it up I have to eat a five year old in twenty minutes" Monster says "Before I ask that I have something else to ask what would you say if you were given the chance to take the joy from all life in exsistence?" The Grinch says "I would love to what do I need to do for it to happen?" Monster says "There is going to be a fight good vs Evil if team Evil wins than we can control all life in exsistence  I would like to know if you would join team Evil?" The Grinch says "I shall join but I will take the joy out of all life!" Monster says "Welcome to the team" Mega Broly looks for the twelveth member for Team Evil when he is hit in the back with a baseball bat which sends him crashing into a hotel which falls on him. Mega Broly destroys the Hotel but is shot with a pistol which deals massive damage to Mega Broly. He smiles and throws out a Mega Broly ball of Death at the stranger. The stranger takes out a gun and shoots the attack destroying it than the bullet hits Mega Broly dealing fatal damage.

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