Feeling ill.. let me take care of you [F.]

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   Childhood best friends au.

In a small neighborhood of Japan lived two little boys who grew up with each other since birth, never separated from one another — we basically always there to help the other with anything no matter how dangerous or easy it was. It's what best friends are for right.

Small laughter came from the playground where tons of little angels would play tag and chase one another until they all get tired or something, currently in the sandpit that's in the corner of this colorful playground where two toddlers who were building a humongous sandcastle to play around with one of the boy's had uneven choppy purple hair with two cyan streaks his thin yellow eyes looking so softly at his younger friend while the other had short scruffy blonde hair with peach tips his orange-yellow eyes shining with brightness like a bright star in the midnight sky wearing his signature proud smile. The two made jokes their knees being dirty from the soft sand.

As the bright sunlight shined the two young boys who were preoccupied with building to notice anything around them keeping one another company until the day ends or their guardians come and get them.. and that's how young Ruikasa spent their entire day.

Like spoken before these two are inseparable from each other, always walking and holding hands while they company their mothers to any given store or park, spending the nights in one another's houses and always celebrating the holidays together! But today was a bit different when Tsukasa called Rui's home with his cheerful attitude the other boy's mother answered the phone with a sad tone

"Sorry dear, Rui.. is quite sick today and can't head out to play he caught a cold yesterday night and looks like he needs a couple of resting days to fully heal." She apologized through the other line with a frown appearing on her face — it isn't normal for the two to be separated and especially since Tsukasa's little buddy had fallen under sickness, Tsukasa kindly asked if he could go visit just to check up on Rui and make sure he's properly resting and taking his medicine Rui's mother hesitated for a second before sighing and allowing the little boy to come over with a small smile.

Moments later, a soft knock was heard on Rui's wooden door as Tsukasa bursted through being quiet as he ran towards his friend's bedside frowning before speaking almost in a whisper. "Rui.. did you not put extra blankets whenever sleeping? Hmm.. don't worry! I'll take good care of you well you slowly heal, allow me to go get the medicine and don't move from this area you hear me?" The little star instructed with a little stern tone locking eyes with the half asleep Rui who gave a small nod as the young boy left running off to the medicine cabinet and made sure to grab the right ones that would be helpful.

Days went back and Tsukasa would be like Rui's personal doctor or something at home.. always visiting and making sure the older boy was taking all of this seriously and drinking the medicine when needed.. little by little Rui was slowly getting better by all the treatment being offered to him for his coughing and runny nose, before one day Rui was officially back to normal heading out to the small garden with Tsukasa holding him closely.

The garden had all kinds of beautiful flowers as Rui made a flower crown for his little prince before bringing Tsukasa closer and putting on the flower crown adjusting it a bit before smiling warmly "See? It suits you perfectly.. almost like a very beautiful flower that shines in the morning sunlight and precious petals.." Rui whispered softly giving a gentle warm kiss on the star's forehead as a nice gesture of friendship.

A camera was heard in the background as it was Rui's mother who took a picture of this adorable moment smiling brightly and would later save it for the future whenever these two bright stars grow up to attend a beautiful life together doing whatever they wish for.. some day that will happen, but for now let us enjoy the current moments provided.

Word counted: 716 (•̀ᴗ•́)و

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