Ive missed you.. [F]

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Tsukasa's pov:
I wonder when Rui would be coming back from his business trip he had to take.. I really miss him dearly. I was currently baking a small dessert for me to enjoy while watching a short film on the television. Lately, I've been feeling lonely without Rui beside, I understand it was important for him to take this trip since he's a very successful businessman— oh! Tsukasa stop letting your mind wander around he'll come back soon you will have him in your arms just wait a bit more.

I picked up my phone to set a timer for when I put the cake inside and noticed a missing call from Nene "she must've wanted to chat for a little so that I wouldn't be lonely, how sweet of her.." I smiled to myself and called Nene back to soon see her face appear on camera with a smile.

"Tsukasa! It took you long enough to call back." She joked with a small laugh as I heard a loud scream in the background. "Is Emu there with you? " I asked trying to hold in my laughter- "Yes, indeed she is she's probably singing to herself while cleaning.." Nene mumbled and got up from her spot walking over to the desk and sets the phone down. "So how have you been, Tsu? Any news on Rui?" She mentioned while hanging something in the closet. "Hmmm, not at the current moment I am feeling a bit lonely without having his company around.. but he might be busy so that's why I haven't received any texts at the current moment. How about you, Nene?"

Nene listened and smiled at my reply "Well, life has been going good me and Emu have been going out a lot visiting cute places and just enjoying each other's company! She's honestly so adorable to not say no to. " Nene's response made me chuckle hers and Emu's relationship have been very fun to know about those two are always in the streets together going places, it's honestly really cute to think about.

The call went on for about one hour before the two officially called it a night with Tsukasa cleaning up his mess and packing everything away. He made sure everything was spotless before making his way to the bedroom where he decided to hope into the shower after that he did his nighttime routine before hearing his phone buzz. "Hm? Who could be sending me a message at this time-" when he turned on his phone he saw a message from Rui he immediately smiled brightly.

Texting :D

Rui <3
Hello, dear sorry I haven't been able to give you a message these pass days I've been busy with work and these people are honestly making it more stressful than it already is.. I hope you're doing well.

Tsu <3
Baby!! It's perfectly okay, I wasn't expecting one that much since I understood that you would be busy, I've been doing well!! Nene and Emu have been keeping me company while you were gone. Awh, that sounds awful... i hope you get enough rest, I'll be taking my rest now! Goodnight, baby love you <3

Rui <3
Well at least those two are there for you, don't worry I'll be heading home tomorrow.. my trip is finally over you'll see me soon in your arms. Ah, goodnight my darling, love you as well <3



Tsukasa woke up to the beautiful sun shining inside the bedroom, he gets out of bed stretching before he makes the bed and then leaves heading to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast — he read the message Rui sent and was so excited. The boy finally gets to be in the arms of his lover after waiting so many days.. he was told that Rui would be arriving at the airport at 10 am it was currently 8 so he had two hours before he need to leave.

Tsukasa cleaned the house and headed to the store to buy a few items for dinner tonight, and a few other things he needed. After buying everything he was one his way home until he saw the time and saw that it was nearly time as he quickly rushed home unpacking everything before heading out into the streets once again. He couldn't contain his excitement, he parked and waited for a message to come through. The boy felt his phone buzz as he saw a message from Rui.


Rui <3
   Hello, love I had just arrived at the airport and currently getting off the plane I can't wait to see you again.

                                                              Tsu <3:
            Baby, I'll be waiting for you with open arms!


Tsukasa's pov:
   I waited in the lobby trying not to be in people's ways whenever they walked by because they seem to be in a rush or something? It didn't bother me all I wanted to see were a tall purple haired male with his glasses, I wonder whats taking so long guess there's probably human traffic in his way. As I kept mumbling things to myself I sudden saw the person I've waited for so long to have in my arms there walked Rui Kamishiro.. I felt my eyes getting watery as I saw him open his arms I quickly ran closing in the space between us smiling.

    "You're finally back.. I've missed you so much.." I looked up at him with a smile as he returned the smile back " I know, love... sorry I kept you waiting for so long, at least I finally have you in my arms now.." Rui whispered and kissed the top of Tsukasa's head "Let's head home, dear." And with that Ruikasa headed home and enjoyed the entire day cuddling and watching some movies while holding each other close never letting go.

   Tsukasa was happy to finally have his lover back now he can finally have some company whenever he feels alone, the two boys would spend each day doing at least something that involved being close to one another, two birds that could never separate from each other's lives.

    Ruikasa both were happy to be home where they can enjoy moments together without anything disturbing them. The two really love each other don't they.

Finally, back after taking a break!! Sorry about that.

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