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Panic is all I felt in the air.

The strong sent of blood around the tents hitting my nostrils making me sick as my sense of control has put me in a weak state of mind.

As I run searching safety with my friends. I fight to keep myself focused while I see muggle born and half bloods being tortured by men in black robes and masks covering their faces.

"Colette! Colette!" I hear Fred and George yell in a long distance. I try to place exactly where they were but still could not find them.

But as I continue to search for my friends in a sea of people. I bump into a masked man. He looms over me and before I get the chance to run I feel shocks of pain move around my body making me fall to my knees.

The pain was too much as I feel it radiant my entire body. I scream hoping someone could stop it but no one does.

I no longer am on my knees in pain but instead I am lying on my back twisting and turning hoping for it to go away but the pain continues to go on.

I feel myself be lifted from the ground and into the air. I watch in terror as I see that I am almost 10 feet above ground.

"Help me! please help me!" I try to scream to anyone who might hear. I am weak of from the pain I hear a strong voice yell out counter curses and relieves my body from suspending in the air.

As I slowly am being lowered I feel a strong pair of arms holding my small weak body.

I turn my head to face the person who saved me to thank my hero.

"Thank you" I try to say as my throat begins to sore due to my screaming.

"What is your name?" The man asks me in concern putting me back on the ground.

"Cole-" I try to say until I hear my friends call for me watching as they get closer.

"Colette! There you are we were all scared! What happened to you?!" I heard Hermione and Ron say.

But before I could tell them anything I turn back to where my unnamed hero was as disappeared. Harry finds us all and is talking about seeing a man making the dark mark in visible in the sky.

But before he could tell us more we all duck as a group of people yell "stupefy".

But before he could tell us more we all duck as a group of people yell "stupefy"

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"Wait that's my son, and his friends" I hear as I see Mr.Weasly run in forcing a few Aurors wand down.

"Ah but they were at the scene of the crime" I minister man says pointing his wand in our faces.

"They're just kids Barty" Mr.Weasly tries to reason. I remember Harry telling us about a man and I speak up.

"Harry saw a man make the mark in the sky didn't you Harry" I say as Harry turns his head towards me in slight panic and points to where he saw the man last.

As the Aurors move to where Harry had pointed towards. Mr Weasley leads us to the portkey and end up in front of the burrow.

Mrs.Weasly themed to my wounds and had forced me to bed where I dreamed about my hero and wishing to be in his arms again.

Not knowing that in a few months I was to see him again I grew tired.

After the horrible event that occurred I wrote to my family and told them that I was safe and back at the burrow with my friends and recovering quickly.

After giving Josephine my letter she flys away to later return with a letter.

Hours later...

Josephine flew back to my window and drops the letter into my hand and I give her a treat for being good. I read my letter from my family.

Dear Collette,

We are all very concerned for your safety. After hearing what had happened to you we want you to go come straight home. Gabrielle and Fleur are worried for their older sister and we are worried as well, as your parents we always worry. But you would want to come back as soon as possible anyways to prepare for a big event for school. We will be expecting you back home within a few days to pack and say goodbye to your friends and to say thank you for the Weasley family letting you stay in their home.

Love, mama and papa

As I finish reading the letter I start to pack and start saying my goodbyes and thank you's to my friends and my second family.

Getting on the train back to Paris has always been my favorite. As I watch the nature go by I think back to seeing my unnamed heros face. Thinking how incredibly handsome he was and how well built he was.

While I continue to think I see the train pull into the station and I am finally back home.

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