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As the girls walk in I notice all the guys already fawning over us noticing the girls giving us hateful looks.

Once the girls rush towards the front Madame Maxime walks in proudly and it is now Gabrielle's turn as she does her flips and Fleur follows her

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Once the girls rush towards the front Madame Maxime walks in proudly and it is now Gabrielle's turn as she does her flips and Fleur follows her.

It is my turn to come out from the shadows as I start to dance.

As I dance I notice everyone stare at me in awe.

But as I am noticing all the attention I see a particular pair of black eyes stare into my soul almost making me take a wrong step.

I start to finish my dance and land my grand jete and twirl to a finish.

When I'm done I pace to where my sisters are standing we bow and release the Veela butterflies into the room attracting males attention

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When I'm done I pace to where my sisters are standing we bow and release the Veela butterflies into the room attracting males attention.

As we finish we are directed to a table full of students wearing blue Hogwarts uniforms. And I sit with my sister's.

"You are an amazing dancer, hi I'm Cho, Cho Chang and you are?" She introduces herself.

"I'm Colette Delacour and these are my two younger sisters Gabrielle and Fleur. Might I ask why are all the other tables filled with students with different colored uniforms?" I ask slightly confused.

"Oh at Hogwarts we are sorted into four houses we have Griffindor, this is Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin where the  Durmstrang boys are sitting" she explains as she points to each table.

"Oh ok thanks I have some friends here and I never asked them about Hogwarts" I explain to her.

"Oh already have friends here who are they?" Cho asks.

"Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, I believe you know Fred and George" I tell her as I hear my name be called from the table next to us.

"Colette come over here!" I see Fred and George call over to me in unison.

"You're friends with the golden Trio and the pranksters? That is so cool" she says can't believing me.

"If you think that's cool you should see me play quidditch" I say as I get up to go to my friends.

As I walk to the other table I am stopped by Madame Maxime.

"Colette before dinner starts I will need you and Gabrielle to change into the school uniforms" she says.

"Ok Madame I will take my sister back to the carriage and we will be back in a few minutes" I say as she nods and walks to the giant table Infront of the room.

"Gabrielle we need to change into our uniforms come on let's go" I tell her and we both exit the dining hall and later come back into our uniforms.

As we re-enter the dining hall in our uniforms Fred and George are waving towards me and I walk over to them as Gabrielle walks back to the Ravenclaw table.

"Hi guys" I announce myself to my friends.

"Collette we-"

"Didn't know you were a-"

"Ballerina" they say finishing each other's sentences.

"Well there's always more to learn about me" I say as I chuckle slightly at their actions.

"How was the rest of your summer Collette?" Hermione peaking everyone's interest.

"Mine was great after the events at the world cup I spent the summer at home dancing and practicing drills for quidditch, oh that reminds me papa bought me a new broom to play quidditch this year since there are now three schools here." I tell them.

"Oh what kind of broom? you know Harry, George and I play quidditch we know everything" Fred asks.

"Papa bought the Firebolt Supreme, I told him not to but he kept insisting that I get the best broom" I tell them and they all look ate in shock.

"The Firebolt Supreme that's supposed to be the fastest broom on the market, the only other person who owns a Firebolt Supreme is Viktor Krum!" Ron exclaims.

"Who's Viktor Krum?" I ask and Harry speaks up.

"We saw him at the world cup he's the youngest quidditch seeker for the Bulgarian team" he explains.

"And he's the one who hasn't stopped staring at you since you came into the room" Hermione speaks up confusing us all.

"What?" I say ask confused.

"Bloody hell! Hermione's right Collette turn around!" Ron say excitedly as I turn towards where he's pointing at.

When I turn I am met with the same black eyes that was starting at me as I was dancing.

I look to see his other features and recognize who this man is and I quickly turn back to my friends and whisper.

"That's the man who saved me during the attack at the world cup!" I say and everyone turns back to face Viktor.

"Stop staring!" I whisper yell.

And after that I try to sneak glances at my now named hero and notice he's doing the same and smiles.

After dinner ends Madame Maxime tells us that we are going to be sleeping in the same quarters as Durmstrang and we all make our way to Beauxbatons common room.

And as Beauxbatons girls and myself stand to leave the dining hall we walk proudly towards the exit and I notice Viktor's eyes starring at me. I look back with a small smile on my face to acknowledge him.

When we enter the common room we are met with beautiful light blue decorations around the room and are showed to our rooms

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When we enter the common room we are met with beautiful light blue decorations around the room and are showed to our rooms.

But before that Madame Maxime tells us we are not having classes for the rest of the week so we get to know other fellow students and get to know each other.

Madame Maxime pulls me to the side as she tells everyone to go to bed and tells me that professer Dumbledore has a special dance studio that I could practice.

After that I am excused to go to bed and I dream about the events of today and how I finally know who my hero is. Viktor Krum.

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