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As I wake I still can't believe that I finally know who my hero is. Shaking my head I just sit up in bed for a couple moments.

After a few moments I decided to get up and get dressed into my school uniform

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After a few moments I decided to get up and get dressed into my school uniform.

As I was done getting dressed I head down to the dining hall to eat breakfast.

But before I enter the hall I bump into a hard body.

"Oh! I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I apologize and look up to see that I had bumped into Viktor.

"No it's my fault I should be apologizing" he says looking down to meet my eyes.

"Well I think it's safe to say that we both apologized" I say and we both laugh at my little joke.

"Yes that would be best,I'm Viktor and you are?" He asks me.

"I'm Collette" I tell him and he takes hand.

"Collette, what a beautiful name for a beautiful women" he says as he kisses my hand making me blush.

"Would you like to have breakfast with me Collette, I would love to get to know you more" he asks me.

"I would love to Viktor" I say and he leads me to the Slytherin table.

Viktor sits beside a light headed boy and I sit next to Viktor

"So Viktor do you reck'n you'll be playing quidditch this year?everyone knows your the youngest seeker to play in the world cup" the blonde boy asks Viktor.

"Yes I'll be playing this year, I heard that Hogwarts and Beauxbaton has excellent seekers it should be a good year to play" Viktor says making me smile.

"Well I'm the seeker for Slytherin, Harry Potter is the seeker for Griffindor, Cho Chang is seeker for Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff's seeker is Cedric Diggory"the boy says and I remember who this boys name is from stories from Fred and George.

"You must be Draco Malfoy I heard of you from my friends Fred and George" I say as the attention is moved towards me.

"Yes I am and you are" he says with a glint of amusement.

"I'm Collette Delacour, I'm the seeker for Beauxbatons quidditch team" I introduce myself as everyone looks at me is shock.

"You're the seeker for Beauxbatons? I heard you play just as great Viktor is that true?" Draco asks.

"Oh I don't know about that but I was named the youngest seeker to ever play at Beauxbatons when I joined in my first year. I was only 10 at the time." I say as I notice Viktor looking at me with a small smile.

"What kind of broom do you have Collette, we heard you got a new one over summer?" A girl from the table asks.

"How do you know that?" I ask confused.

"It's heard around classes that the Beauxbatons seeker got a new broom"the girl says explaining that basically everyone know I have a new broom.

"Oh ok, well I got the Firebolt Supreme as a gift over summer" I tell them and Viktor speaks up.

"A firebolt supreme is a rare expensive broom to have, I'm the only other person who has one"

"Maybe we could play a few rounds together? I was planning on playing this year" I ask Viktor.

"I would love to, now tell me about yourself" he asks me as everyone else goes back to eating their breakfast.

"Well...I'm turning 18 on Christmas it's my last year at Beauxbatons, I am a ballerina but I hope to continue as professional after I graduate, I have two other younger sisters Fleur and Gabrielle, and I love to play quidditch as a hobby" I tell him as he looks at me with interest written on his face.

"You like to dance, you were the ballerina that was dancing so beautifully when we all arrived correct?" He ask me as I turn beet red.

"Yes that was me, now what about you tell me about yourself" I say in wonder.

"I am 18, I play for the Bulgarian quidditch team, it's my last year at Durmstrang and I hope to become closer to you" he says taking my hand with a small smile.

"I think I would like that Viktor" I say and we both look at each other with a certain look in our eyes.

As we continue to eat and talk I notice that it's almost time for me to get ready to go to the dance studio to practice.

"Viktor I have to go, I need to go practice my ballet soon but maybe later we can meet again?" I ask him.

"Of course I will be waiting "he says and we say our goodbyes.

I leave the dining room and go back to my room to change into my ballet leotard and my flowy ballet skirt.

After I change I grab my ballet bag and follow the directions to the dance studio. Professer Dumbledore as said that when I need to go dance the room room will just appear.

As I needed the room I notice a door magically appeared and I carry my bag as I reach for the door I hear a voice call for me.

"Colette!" I turn my head to see who was calling for me to only see Viktor running down the hall to meet me.

"Viktor? what are you doing here?" I question with a smile on my face.

"I thought I could watch you practice, you don't mind right?" he asks me.

"No I don't mind" I say and we enter the dance studio.

When we enter the studio I see that it it is painted my favorite color deep red.

"There's a couch over in the corner if you want to sit" I say as he looks around as I put my bag down gathering my pointe shoes from them.

After putting my pointes on I warm up and put some American muggle music on specifically Toxic by some muggle named Brittany Spears.

"What is this music?" Viktor asks as I'm stretching.

"It's muggle music my friend Hermione introduced me to something called an ipod it holds music in a technological box, she let me borrow it so I could practice with music on." I explain and finish warming up.

" I explain and finish warming up

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