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As I open my eyes I panic in confusion but remember the events of what happened last night and blush.

I turn my head to see a sleeping Viktor and smile at how cute he looks when he's asleep.

I try to move out of bed but only get pulled in more by Viktor's strong arms wrapping around my petite waist.

"And where do you think you are going especially at this time?" Viktor says as his morning gruffy voice sounds very sexy right now.

"Well I was going to get dressed I can't be naked all the time you know" I say jokingly but he just gives me a sly smirk.

"I mean the view is quite beautiful, but you are right as always" he says and gets up and I can't help but bite my lip as I gaze at his naked form.

"Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if we stayed in bed for a couple minutes" I say standing on my knees on the bed as Viktor gathered his clothes from the floor.

"Minutes?" he says challenging as he stops picking up his clothes and rushes back to me as I giggle pulling him into round two.

Few Hours later...

After round two Viktor and I went our separate ways back to our dorms and I am stopped by Fleur.

"Where were you last night? I vas worried sick last night that something happened to you!" She says whisper yelling to not gain attention from the other girls.

"I was with Viktor last night, he asked me if I would be his girlfriend...and I said yes" I tell her and her mad face turned happy and filled with excitement.

"Oh Colette I am so happy for you Mother would be so proud of you for getting a man like Viktor" She says since we are natural Veelas we get judged on who we date and marry by the full blooded Veelas.

"I know she would, but I won't let others make me feel unworthy of being half Veela if Viktor wasn't famous or anything" I tell her and she gives me a soft smile and nods her head.

"I know big sister, now I need help to get ready for the first challenge please help me!" she says and I laugh a little before nodding my head and we change clothes to train in and go to the courtyard to practice spells.

"Now Fleur if you have an attacker which spell do you use?" I ask her as she is pointing her wand at a spell dummy.

"Melatonin!" she says doing the spell to make the dummy fall asleep.

"And what else do you do to make sure of your safety?" I say hinting at her.

"Expelliramus!" she says and the fake wand flys out of the dummy's hand.

"Fleur you did it! you learned the sleeping curse and I believe you have finally mastered it" I tell her in excitement.

"Thank you Colette I really would not have been able to learn those spells so quickly without your help. she says as we both pack up after spending most of the afternoon learning spells.

Fleur went to change after working so hard and I decided to walk around the campus until I run into Hermione and Ginny.

"Hello Hermione, Ginny. Hermione what's wrong you seem upset?" I say worried about my friend.

"it's those stupid boys! Ron is upset because Harry was picked for the tournament and Harry is upset because Ron doesn't believe that he didn't put his name in the cup!" she say rather fast as I try to wrap my head around the new information.

"Men can be stupid, but in time they would both realize that they are fighting over something so dumb! don't worry Hermione they will make up" I tell her and she smiles.

"Thank you Colette you're right men can be stupid" she says and walks off with Ginny on her tail.

Later that night Madame Maxine talked to Fleur about the tournament and Fleur came back to our dorm telling me what the first task is.

"Dragons!? are you sure?" I ask wondering if Viktor knew as well.

"Oui, Madam Maxine just told me, she saw them with her own eyes Colette!" she says pacing around the room in panic.

"I'm sure you will do fine you have tons of safety spells and using the Melatonin curse can make the Dragon fall asleep but you have to be careful of the fire" I tell her and she slows down her pacing and stops to look to me as I'm sitting on my bed.

"I guess so, your right I shouldn't worry so much I just need to work harder on my spells, thank you" she says and we both change into our pajamas and go to bed.

I on the other hand am laying in my bed worried for my younger sister and my boyfriend for tomorrow's first task.

After laying in my bed I get up and d walk to the secret room to see that Viktor is there as well.

Seeing Viktor in our bedI slip in under the covers and wrapping my arms around his waist and he flips over to face me.

"Promise me you will be safe tomorrow, I don't want to see you or Fleur getting hurt out there" I say softly to him tracing my fingers along his jaw.

"I promise that I will try not to get hurt, I assume your sister has fingered out that the first task is dragons?" he says looking into my eyes and I nod.

"She figured it our earlier tonight" I say and he sighs softly and wraps his arms around me and puts his face in the nook of my neck and we fall asleep in each others arms waiting to wake up for tomorrow's events.

A/N I am so sorry for the extremely late update I've been so busy with school and work and I've been working on another story but I promise to make it up to you guys.

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