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It's now been less than a month since the first task and I have been feeling quite sick all of a sudden.

But I play it off that it just might be nerves since the Yule Ball is a week away and Viktor still hasn't asked me to go yet.

Infact Viktor has been quite distant lately so I decided to talk to Fleur about it after class.

"Maybe he's trying to figure out the clue to the egg I know I am, you shouldn't worry yourself" Fleur tries to reassure me.

"I know but he hasn't even asked me to the ball yet, it's been so nerve racking that I've been nauseous for weeks now and I think all this English food has been having me gain some weight" I tell her and she suddenly stops walking beside me.

I turn around to face her in concern as she has a worrisome look on her face.

"Fleur? what's wrong?" I ask gently holding her arm.

"Colette, you and Viktor haven't...you know...'do it' yet have you?" she asks me doing bunny ears with both hands.

Feeling my face turn red turn my head away from her in embarrassment.

"Well...we have...done it why do you ask that? it's kind of embarrassing to tell my little sister this sort of thing" I ask her.

Before she tells me anything we walk past a group of Durmstrang students and she tells me in french for privacy.

"Colette, je pense que tu es peut-être enceinte...c'était quand la dernière fois que toi et Viktor l'avez fait? (Colette, I think you might be pregnant...when was the last time you and Viktor did it?)" she tells me and my face goes pale.

"Euh...je...je pense que c'était quelque temps avant le début du tournoi, tu penses vraiment que je pourrais être enceinte? (Umm...I...I think it was sometime before the tournament started, do you really think I might be pregnant?)" I ask her unconsciously putting a hand over my stomach.

As the group of boys walks away Colette and I walk are walking into the courtyard and some other girls from our class starts to follow us.

"There's only one way to find out" she tells me and she turns her head and waves at someone.

I turn my head as well and see that shes waving at Harry and I do the same as her and turn back and see that we are walking towards the nurses office at Hogwarts.

Fleur goes into the office with me and see the head nurse wrapping up a bandage on a young students head.

"Excuse em moi Madame...?" I start to ask the woman as she walks up to us.

"You can call me Madam Pomfrey, I haven't seen any Bauxbatons students in here yet. What can I help you with?" She asks me and I go and tell her.

"Madame Pomfrey I have a bit of a situation and I believe I may be pregnant" I tell her and her smile turns into shock.

"Oh! well lets get you sorted out with a test if you will lay down on this private cot and lift your shirt up slightly I will proceed with the test" she tells me and I do what she tells me.

Madam Pomfrey takes her wand out and touched it with my stomach.

"If a light turns white then it will tell us that you are indeed pregnant but if it turns dark it would mean the opposite" she tells me and I nod in anxious understanding.

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