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Hello my amazing and beautiful readers. I wanted to take the time to explain why I have not been as active on here as I used to.

No, I'm am not abandoning any of my stories on here first off.

These past few months I have been going through quite a few personal struggles that have made me shift my focus back on to myself. I struggle with depression and anxiety after I lost my father years ago. In June I attempted to go off my antidepressants after being on them for nearly 8 months. I of course did this along side my doctor and psychologist. Well.... It didn't end up going well and I was in near crisis mode and had to go back on them. I'm not ashamed of being on them and seeking out help for my mental health. I'm hoping that my transparency here will help someone else that is reading this. I want you to know that any one of you can message me if you are struggling, because you are never alone in that struggle.

I needed time away to get back to my equilibrium and find joy in the little things again that make me happy. Writing helps me do that, it's an amazing escape. But, my mind simply was not in the best frame of mind to do so. I take pride in my writing and what I share with you guys.

I'm happy to say that I am feeling more like myself now. I only wanted to share why I have been gone to let you guys know. I appreciate the messages and checking in I received from some of you.

I will be back writing shortly! (Shortly because my laptop is busted and a new one is coming the end of this week which also means I can do new manips on it!)

Thank you for the love, thank you for your patience and understanding❤️


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