Chapter 22

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A/N: Helloooooo readers! WE ARE BACK!! 

I cannot wait to share this chapter with you! It's a heavy but exciting one so make sure you are comfy when you read it and maybe have some tissues with you! I am very proud of my writing for this chapter and am sooooo happy to share it with you all. Thank you for your patience and kindness xx

Without further wait... here it is! 



Two little lines.

Two paths to choose.

That is all it takes to change your life.

I could envision the one path full of love and joy with the man I wanted.

The other was lined with duty and sacrifice. What I was born into the world to do for my country, for my family.

But why me? Why must I be the sacrificial lamb so to speak.

Was it because I was the spare? The female heir? As long-standing history has paged us with this bias that females cannot be rulers and were simply flesh to advance their families status.

The funny thing is even thinking that I had a choice in the matter.

I was not prepared for either path that was carved out before me.

One I would have to fight for, fight for love and happiness.

The other was an easy surrender, but filled with sacrifice lined with no love as the final destination.

The history books also tell us that love is worth fighting for.

This love is worth the fight and I intend to write my own story, not leaving it to historians to book.


Tristan knocked lightly on the door and entered watching the princess pacing back and forth in her apartment at Kingstone Palace. Dust had even settled among the lengths of the armories as Emilia rarely stayed at Kingstone, opting for her residence to be outside the capital at Lexington Palace with her immediate family taking up residence in the same palace.

It was six in the morning, but Emilia had been up hours before waking Tristan up in a panic. The protection officer was startled awake and jumped out of bed grabbing his gun and unholstered it glancing around frantically to assess the unknown danger. Emilia reassured Tristan that it was not a security matter for the reason she had woken him up at four thirty in the morning.

He rubbed his tired eyes from his disrupted sleep with one hand while the other carried a brown paper bag. The sun had started to rise in the east casting its sun beams through the crack in Emilia's blinds that lined her sitting area. The dark-haired princess swiftly walked up to her protection officer with a concerned expression, the same one that lingered there as she begged him to sneak out and complete this one secret task for her.

"Did you get it?" Emilia whispered quietly to him with eyes that circled with uncertainty.

"Yes." Tristan nodded and handed her a paper bag of her requested items.

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