(Sneak Peek) Chapter 17: Sparks of A Fire

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A/N: I am working on this chapter, but here is a sneak peek of what is to come! Hoping to have the rest of this done when I am done. Enjoy!

Emilia's eyelids fluttered open slowly, awaking from her deep sleep. She blinked her eyes open a few times to allow them to adjust to the light that peaked through the blinds announcing the start of a new day. Breathing in, she filled her lungs with air as they expanded while at the same time, inhaling a familiar scent next to her.

She turned her head towards the warm body snuggled up against her to find a slumbering Harry peacefully dreaming next to her. His lips were parted slightly making her feel his warm breath tickle her hair. Emilia glanced down to see his arm stretched out across her body. Her finger lightly traced down his bicep toward his hand that was settled on top of her hip. The princess released a content sigh while a beaming smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

Closing her eyes briefly, Emilia relished in the secure feeling of being wrapped in Harry's arms. A feeling she had longed for a while making her want this moment to never end as she envisioned herself waking up next to the handsome prince every morning. A thought that brought a sense of happiness that filled her being. She was content watching Harry sleep so peacefully and she dared not to move to disturb him while she laid still like a statue watching him sleep. Her mind drifted off into her thoughts, replaying the conversation they shared in her mind last night.

Their relationship had not followed the conventional path that most held. Last night was the first time since the start of their official relationship that they had decided to sleep in the same bed. Emilia was quite nervous about the whole thing to be truthful. Harry and Emilia had already been intimate with one another when she was in London for the Invictus Games, something that Emilia did regret to an extent. This time she did not want to rush into the physical aspects of a relationship with Harry, but her self control around him seemed to be non existent as she attempted to resist being caught under his spell.

Harry had been quite the gentleman about it and even had a second bedroom set up for Emilia in case she wished to spend the night on her own. Emilia forgoed that choice and wished to spend more time with Harry and the smile that grew on his lips when she told him her decision was one she would commit to her memory.

The last time Emilia had woken up early in the morning before Harry, she had escaped his bed and left him sleeping there peacefully. Emilia had often thought what would have happened had she stayed there next to him. How things might have been different, a thought that often crept up into her mind. Her regretful decisions that day were ones she would have to live with. A soft smile stretched across her lips as Emilia welcomed the feeling of security she had often lacked in her life. She did not feel the need to run like the last time she found herself in this position with Harry.

This time, things were different.

This time, she did not want to be anywhere else but beside him.

The princess closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy the secure feeling of being in his arms. A few moments later, she felt Harry shift his body beside her. Emilia carefully turned her head and watched Harry's eyes flutter open to catch Emilia staring at him. He softly moaned and stretched out his body with an adorable smile placed on his lips.

"Morning beautiful." His deep husky morning voice nearly melted Emilia into a puddle right there. Harry lifted his head to place a gentle kiss on her temple that lingered, feeling his soft lips pressed against her warm skin.

"Morning handsome." Emilia turned over on her side at the same time Harry's hand drifted across her abdomen to settle on her hip tracing back and forth along the contours of her side on top of her thin shirt.

"Have you been up for long?" He took in a deep breath and sighed taking in the view of Emilia resting her head on the pillow beside him. He was always taken back by her natural beauty that she was given.

"A little bit... not long." She quietly whispered not wanting to disturb their peaceful morning.

Harry reached out and brushed a stray piece of hair that had fallen across her face, tucking it in behind her ear so he could look into those icy blues of Emilia's. He closed his eyes and blinked making sure that he wasn't trapped in a dream still, not ever wanting to wake up from this if it was.

"Want me to make you some breakfast?" The prince politely offered.

Emilia shrugged her shoulders and became uncharacteristically shy. "Can we stay like this a bit longer?" The young princess asked quietly with an averted gaze away from him. "I don't get to sleep in like this very often anymore." She added an excuse to stay in bed, but Harry knew the real reason that Emilia did not want to leave.

The prince barked a laugh. "I think you just want to cuddle with me."

Emilia's cheeks flushed briefly with a hint of crimson, indicating her embarrassment. "Maybe... I don't get that very often either." She whispered and peaked up at him through her eyelashes.

There was no way he could deny Emilia that. The prince as he lifted his arm to allow her to snuggle in next to him and witnessed a flash of a beaming smile while Emilia got comfortable beside him. Emilia placed her hand on his chest on top of his arm before sighing and resting her head on the other side of his chest. Harry's fingers stroked through her long dark hair calming Emilia to the point her eyes closed again with a content smile, as she relaxed into Harry's warmth.

The couple quietly laid there for a while, not needing to speak but enjoying the feeling of having the other so close to them. It had been difficult for the both of them thus far having to be careful not to be touching each other in front of the public or Emilia's family. This was exactly what they both craved, some private time alone without any possible intrusion to disrupt their valuable time together.

Harry was in deep his thoughts when he felt the princess lifted her head and rested her chin on Harry's upper abdomen, glancing up into the depths of his crystal blue eyes. He smiled down at her fondly and continued to play with her hair while she held his gaze hostage and silently took him captive.

Her steady breath floated across his chest sending chills traveling down his spine. Truth was he was completely enamored by Emilia, drawn to her like he had never been drawn to anyone before as if some outside force collided their lives together, like this moment had been planted in the stars before they even met. It was a feeling he could not shake and it only coursed through him whenever Emilia was in his presence. Almost like fate had a presence whenever she was around him...like Emilia was his fate.

"What do you have planned today?" Emilia's adorable accent broke through his thoughts and brought Harry back to reality. He truly loved how different her voice was. It was close to a South African accent with a hint of British peaking through.

"I love that accent." He released a light laugh while Emilia shook her head at him.

"You always say that." Emilia crawled up his body and pressed her nose against his, giving it a light nudging for a butterfly kiss. Harry did not know why, but this was something Emilia had always done with him, but he found it endearing.

A crooked grin tugged at his lips as he took in a deep breath. "Emilia Andelle." Her full name rolled off of his tongue. "Would you like to go on our first date with me today?"

The prince saw Emilia's blue eyes light up as an expression of pure happiness became etched across her delicate white skin.

"Really?" Emilia tilted her head and her eyebrow rose in question.

Harry's finger lightly pressed on her chin to coax Emilia back up towards his lips. "I want us to have a proper first date. Like you deserve." Harry finished to find himself staring into Emilia's mesmerizing eyes that glistened with the morning sun shining into them.

"I'd love that, Henry." A smile stretched across her lips, one that Harry had never seen before in Emilia. But, he had made it his goal to do whatever he could so he would see that gorgeous unmasked smile grace her lips again. 

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