Chapter 9: Imperfect Perfection

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We have all made mistakes in our life. We all have regrets in our past. Things we wish we could change or undo.

But, you are not your mistakes. Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you have ever been. Mistakes are how we learn and how we grow, because they are not what define us, rather how we correct them that determine who we are.

Everyone strives for perfection, but it is the imperfect pieces of ourselves that make us unique, make us who we are as a person. I was born to make mistakes, not to fake perfection.

I've made mistakes in my life. I've let people take advantage of me, and accepted way less than I deserve. I have used people to feel whole again, but was only filled with regret. But, I've learned from my mistakes and even though there are some things I can never get back and people who will never be sorry... I know that I will strive to never be better than that person.

Mistakes are the stepping-stones to our imperfect perfection.


Emilia's heels clicked against the paved sidewalk as she walked arm in arm with her friend Scarlett. The paparazzi lined the streets, filling them with the clicks of their cameras as they snapped pictures of the princess and her friends. Hannah's boyfriend, Finn, had stepped in front of her trying to push them away from the princess but without any luck they remained invading her space. They were a constant uncomfortable in her day-to-day life that Emilia had to deal with.

Keeping her head lowered, Emilia held on tightly to Scarlett thankful that she had close friends like her to lean on. Emilia had surrounded herself with a close-knit group of loyal friends whom she trusted deeply. They were the ones there for her when everything else was falling apart, the ones she knew for a fact would be there to support her in whatever was going on.

Tristan was leading the group towards the Ivy, a prestigious nightclub owned by one of Emilia's brother's friends, Jaxon Attenborough. Her bodyguard was never pleased when Emilia wanted to go out for a night of fun, especially to a club as it made security a major issue. Tristan pushed the press back, allowing the princess and her friends to enter the club quickly without further harassment from the media.

Emilia immediately sighed a breath of relief, as the sound of their cameras faded with each step into the club, replacing it with pulsating music. An elated smile grew on her lips feeling the music vibrate within her.

It had been a rough few days for the young princess. The interview had aired and the majority of the reaction was a positive one, many people appreciated her honesty in the answers she gave and how candid the interview had been. Among that, Edward had been pressuring Emilia's team for them to do a joint appearance, only to benefit Edward of course and ride the coat tails of Emilia's out pouring of respect from the public as his image plummeted. Emilia refused the offer, causing more strife between the twins that ended their family dinner the other evening in shouts of anger in front of their parents.

Emilia's friend Oliver immediately grabbed the princess and led her to the dance floor. "Come on Emilia! Let's get this party started!" Oliver swung her around making her hips sway back and forth allowing the beat of the music to control her body.

Oliver came from an aristocratic family of Illyria, but was not consumed by the trust funds and expensive holidays in the sun. He was a genuine, sincere man who was spontaneous and loved having a good time. Oliver and Emilia's parents had always been close and throughout their childhood, they in return became best of friends. The press rumored on many occasions that Oliver and Emilia were a couple, but in truth they were only close friends and cherished the times they spent together. He was the closest guy friend she had, that had caused a jealous fight between Emilia and her ex, Thomas.

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