Chapter 24: Protecting The Love

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A/N: Hellooooo here is the next chapter you all have been waiting for! I was planning on making it longer, but I could not keep you guys waiting any more!

I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think!

Much love readers xx



There are many people in your life that can protect you, but when you find yourself all alone in the dark it is you who must take on this role. To protect one's self, to protect others.

They often say that protection is innately embedded in a man's role in his life. To protect his wife, his children, and the ones he cares deeply about.

They often discount in how women protect the people in their life. It's more subtle, less in your face but do not be fooled by this because they can fiercely fight and protect the ones that they love.

They say the best protection a women can have is courage.

Courage to speak out for those who cannot speak. Protecting them in voice.

Courage to hold onto that love. Protecting their heart.

Courage to protect the man in their life or the father of your children. Protecting their love.

I often lay up in bed at night wondering how to protect him.

The only way to is to be courageous against those that seek to destroy the love we have.

It is our love for one another that we must protect. That we must fight for no matter how little courage we have, we must use it.


Harry had charted a private plane to the Montana Clara Canary Island. He took one step out of the plane feeling the heat of the sun bare down onto his pale ginger face. The hot sun reminded him of Illyria, hence reminding him of his love, Emilia.

The thought of the young dark-haired princess brought a lasting smile on his lips that beamed as it stretched. Today, they would finally be reunited with one another. All he wished was to hold Emilia in his arms and never let her go. To shower her with endless kisses and whisper in her ear how beautiful she is while staring into those icy blue eyes that mesmerized him.

Emilia had sourced a secluded private villa on the quaint island of Montana Clara giving them all the privacy they would need from prying eyes. The princess had been closed off since her arrival back home to her country piquing Harry's concern for her. He hoped that Emilia would confide in him and share everything that has been going on and bring a reason for her radio silence. Not that Harry was upset or angry with her for it, but more worried based on how she left London so quickly under her grandmother's request.

Harry and his security team drove to the private villa nearby the airport. Emilia was supposed to have arrived before him and he could hardly contain his excitement. A SUV was parked at the entrance as they pulled through the secured gates. The villa was astonishing with its already spectacular views of the ocean.

The prince jumped out of his seat and practically ran inside the villa in search of Emilia.

"Emilia?!" He hollered out as he ventured through the luxury villa, exploring every corner in search of Emilia. "Baby?" Harry called out when there was no response.

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