Chapter 3: You Don't Know

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You think you know me, but you don't.

You don't know...

You don't know what it is like to feel the betrayal of someone you thought you knew.

The one you trusted. The one you loved.

Only to find out you fell in love with a person they were pretending to be and once  their mask falls off, it is only then you see the real betrayal that lied beneath that mask.

Betrayal does not only break your heart, but also darkens your soul. You will never forget the pain like a fog that forever lingers in the depths of your mind.

But you don't know the betrayal he drowned me in.

You don't know...

"She is not going to be pleased Luke

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"She is not going to be pleased Luke."

Emilia walked into the main room of her hotel suite seeing her two PPOs talking to each other in secrecy, or so they thought. Over hearing their conversation, Emilia stood quietly careful to not alarm them.

"Why won't I be pleased?" Leaning against the wall she raised her eyebrow watching the two men turn to look back at her in surprise.

Releasing a deep breath, Tristan closed her eyes knowing how the princess would react to the news. He had spoken with her father and the head of security while Emilia was in the shower. The Crown Prince insisted that his daughter stay at Kensington Palace for the remainder of her stay in London or be forced to be on the next flight home due to security reasons. It simply was not safe for her to be in a foreign country with only two protection officers.

"Emilia ummm..." Tristan lowered his gaze unable to look her in the eye while he processed how to tell her.

"My father called you, didn't he?" Luke confirmed this with a subtle shake of the head not being able to lie to her. This was not shocking news to her in the least, of course her father would try and control her from here. With the release of the photograph Emilia knew her father would soon be involved even from thousand miles away.

"What are my options Tristan?" Emilia crossed her arms ready for the options to choose from, but knowing they were subtly demands and not so much a choice on her part.

"You go home right now or..." Tristan eye's winced as he gave her the other option. "Stay at Kensington."

"You have got to be kidding me?!" Emilia turned on her heel walking back into her room. "If you even think for a second that I am going to be staying in the same place as that carrot top arrogant prince you must be high Tristan!"

"Emilia! What are you doing?" Tristan yelled after her following her into the room.

Scrimmaging through her suitcase she pulled out some clothes. Standing up she faced Tristan. "Going to watch the games. What do you think?"

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