Chapter 5: Every Ending Has A New Beginning

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The hardest part of a new beginning is the ending.

To let go of what once was to live in what could be.

I never pictured it ending the way it did, but then again I never pictured a day when I wouldn't love you. The day you broke my heart was the loudest quiet I ever heard.

For you I was a chapter, for me you were the book. I truly believed that you were the one for me. I was only an end to a new beginning of fame for you, simply turning the last page on the life we had built together.

One day you will wake up and regret what you did to me. Amongst your profits of my love you will find the hurt buried beneath it all and when you come back begging on your knees I will not give in to you.

I am closing the door on my past. I will not mourn the love we had together anymore, cry for what used to be nor imprison myself in the memories we shared.

I am beginning again and I will keep beginning again and again until I find my happiness. Until the light inside me that you stole is brighter, so blinding that you dare not look at it as it reminds you of what you lost.

Crossing that bridge I start on a new path, letting the river take away everything that has tied me to you, drowning me down beneath the surface as the water crashed over my head threatening to pull me deeper, but I remembered my strength and I swam to the surface taking in a fresh breath of air, a fresh start filling my lungs.

At the end of the day, I will wait for each new sunset that proves that endings are just as beautiful as beginnings. That the sun acts as a daily reminder that I too can rise from a river of darkness and shine my own light onto brighter paths and new beginnings.

Today is your ending, but my beginning.

Emilia stood beside Prince Harry as they congratulated the competitors of the Invictus Games for their well fought victories and competitive spirit that brought together their families and friends, but mostly importantly gave them a new sense of purpose. It was the end to an amazing week full of inspiration and valuable life lessons. Not only was it the end of a chapter for these courageous fighters, it was a new beginning for them to bring back their fight into their everyday lives, not only for themselves but for their families that were there along each step.

Clapping proudly Emilia leaned in to whisper to the prince. "You did this. You gave them this Harry." She beamed seeing the sense of pride flash across his face.

"They deserve it and more." He smiled back silently stealing a few moments to gaze into her icy blue eyes that he knew would no longer see each day when she returned back to her home tomorrow.

The two of them could not look away from each other sharing a lingering gaze. Finding herself under the prince's spell she could not look away from him, simply because she just didn't want to. In that moment Emilia heard that little voice inside of her head warn her.  He will hurt you like Thomas, do not even think about it Emilia. You haven't even gotten over him yet, you know this is a bad idea.

Emilia swiftly turned her head breaking the gaze. Her head fell to the floor staring at her heels standing over the concrete. Brushing a piece of stray hair behind her ear, Emilia suddenly felt uncomfortable around the prince. Taking a few seconds to regain her composure Emilia acted like nothing had happened as she turned her attention back to the closing ceremonies.

Her mind was anywhere but there, drifting off into thoughts that were held deep in her mind; thoughts about Thomas. Now was not the ideal time to be trapped in her mind, as surely every expression, glance or reaction would be scrutinized. The past week the press had died down after numerous subtle demands from Harry to leave Emilia's private life out of the games and to focus on the soldiers.

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