Chapter 6: I Am Who I Am

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After weathering through this storm of heartbreak and betrayal I realized how lost I am. Lost in the fact that I do not recognize the reflection staring back at me in the mirror. I am no longer the woman I used to be; I have changed, but for the better.

But isn't that the point of struggle? To morph into something beautiful to make the pain and suffering worth it all? When you come out of that storm, you won't be that same person that's walked in, that is the whole point of the storm.

One day you just wake up and had enough of the pain and you realize that it was all worth it, each heart tearing beat that took you to where you are now. You have emerged through it a different person, a stronger person, that person now looking back at you in the mirror.

And then you smile; an unaltered true smile. You smile because you are proud of the person you have fought to become and no one can ever take that away from you.

But now, the hard part begins as you try and re-define yourself and create a person that is you. After all, a wise man once said "the best way to find yourself is to get lost in the service of others."

That is what I plan to do.

After all... I am who I am.

Emilia glanced out the window, feeling the plane land down in her home country of Illyria. She had remained uncharacteristically quiet for the whole flight, hardly speaking to Tristan who sat quietly beside the princess. Her mind could not shake the image of Harry walking away from her as it trailed through the 'what ifs'. What if she stayed in bed with him? What if she had ran after him? Would she be here right now?

"Emilia?" Tristan's voice broke through her thoughts as a gentle touch of her arm caused her head to turn in her protection officer's direction. "I will grab the bags, head to the car with Luke." He instructed her with a small smile.

Sitting in the back seat of the SUV, Emilia turned her phone back on only to see alerts popping up on a news story mentioning her name. She held her breath for a brief moment hoping that it was not another one about her ex and the book. Quite frankly she had grown tired of hearing it, reading it everywhere she was.

Sighing deeply, Emilia released her confined breath as she read the title of the article before scrolling through the array of pictures on her screen. Her elder twin brother Edward had been caught in a drunken state leaving a club in the early morning hours. Emilia smirked reading the words, 'You can't blame this one on little sis Edward'

A light giggle escaped her lips causing Tristan to glance back at her through the rear view mirror. All Emilia could do was laugh at the fact that her brother and family could not make her take the blame for Edward's unruly behaviour this time as she had been pictured at the Invictus Games closing ceremonies in London the previous night. It was about time that her brother takes the heat for once and for the world to see his true side of the heir. Edward was not as innocent and well behaved as the majority of people thought.

Arriving at Lexington Palace, Emilia tried to make it to her apartment as quick as possible hoping to not run into any members of her family. She had yet to talk with her father since her untimely departure in the dead of night after their little spat, fleeing to a country without his knowledge nor with the proper protection. Looking up she saw her father's figure down the hall walking towards her, she quickly rounded the corner in hopes to avoid him.

"Emilia!" His voice called out, her making her stop dead in her tracks. Cringing inside she paused for a moment debating what course of action to take. Sighing she turned to Tristan and handed him her coat and bag.

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