Chapter 14: Ocean Eyes

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Author note: Hello readers! I apologize for the delay but I wanted to take my time on this chapter as it is quite a big one and wanted to do make sure it was done right! It is extra long so please enjoy xx


I've been watching you

For some time

Can't stop staring

At those oceans eyes

Burning cities

And napalm skies

Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes

Your ocean eyes

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

When you gimme those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes


The next morning Emilia had woken up early, being kept awake most of the night by her thoughts. She could not stop smiling at the mere memory of dancing with Harry the previous night, remembering the way he held her so close to him as they moved as one across the dance floor to her favourite slow song. The princess rolled over in her bed to see the empty space beside her, silently wishing that a certain prince was occupying it.

With a heavy sigh she breathed out knowing that today was the day that she would have to figure things out with the English prince. But, in a way she found a sense of relief in the fact that they would finally be able to talk about what their future would hold, whether it be a course of friendship or embarking on a secret blossoming romance.

Emilia already knew in her heart which path she wanted to take with Harry, but a part of her felt she had to hold back in fear of getting her heart broken again. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath pushing that fear out of her. The princess laid in her bed for a while longer roving through her mind trying to think of anything but him, but it was impossible not to.

There was something about the prince that Emilia was innately drawn to. The chemistry between them was palpable and proved difficult to hide not only in public, but also in private with her immediate family. But, it was the way he made her heart beat when he looked down at her with those deep ocean eyes that spoke more than words that could ever be spoken. The way he looked past her masked face and into the depths of her soul and saw the real Emilia.

The princess pushed back the soft cozy covers off her body and tip toed towards the balcony. Emilia pulled the curtains apart as her eyes felt the immediate assault of the bright morning sun. Opening the door she stepped out onto the cool flooring and took in the amazing site of the Illyrian turquoise ocean that was spread out as far as the eye could see. She loved the coast of her country and the escape that it brought her from her daily life. Emilia could not wait to share more of this beautiful place with Harry.


The princess was walking down the villa towards the patio where breakfast was being served. Hearing a set of foot prints running up behind her, Emilia hastily turned and locked eyes with a mischievous Prince Leonardo who came up beside the princess and loosely hung his arm over her shoulders.

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