Round 3 : The Ruler of the Seas vs The Oni of the Ashes

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Humanity had accumulated two defeats in a row, Akuma and Oro fought bravely to prevent the extinction of humanity but sadly they lost their respective battles. If the gods achieve 6 more victories over humanity, the eradication of their species will take place. Will the rest of the champions be able to get those eight victories that the humans need to avoid their total annihilation? Or will the gods be the ones to rise to victory in Ragnarok?Find out in this chapter.


Narrator: After Oro lost to Zeus, the human race once again took another step towards extinction. Preparations for the third round of ragnarok are underway thanks to the work of Heimdall and his cleanup crew.

Meanwhile with the Valkyries, Brunhilde is in her meeting room eating apple pies to vent her frustration at losing two fights in a row. Goll who was angry and sad, burst into the room to claim her older sister for sending her sisters to death.

But the one who received Gol at the entrance to the room was his sister Hrist, the second of the Valkyrie sisters.

Hrist: Goll, Please don't be rude to Hilde, we all know very well the consequences of combining our souls with that of the einherjar, no one forced our sisters to do anything they didn't want, we all volunteered to fight in this war

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Hrist: Goll, Please don't be rude to Hilde, we all know very well the consequences of combining our souls with that of the einherjar, no one forced our sisters to do anything they didn't want, we all volunteered to fight in this war.

Goll: But it's just's just that..... I couldn't say goodbye properly to any of them! at least I would have wanted to hug them and tell them how much I love them for the last time!! * She hugged Hrist *

Hrist: I share your pain Goll, and I swear that.....

Goll: Ummm sis, you're squishing meee!!! Please.... loosen your.... hug, you're hurting..... me

Hrist: I will make sure that those fucking bastards suffer triple the pain that I feel in my heart!!!!

Goll inner thoughts: I almost forgot that two powers dwell within sister Hrist's body.

Goll: * She breaks free from her sister's strong embrace * please calm down sis Hrist!

Brunhilde: *MUNCH !!* *MUNCH !!* *MUNCH !!* *MUNCH !!* *MUNCH !!* *MUNCH !!*

* she tried to talk while eating, she couldn't do either *JAT FUCKING OL PIESH OF SHIT! RUINING MY TRUMPH CARD JUST LIKE JAT!!

Goll inner thoughts: Ah... she....she's starting bingeating those apple pies!! that's the sing that bis sis Hilde is super stressed now!!

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