Round 4: A Match Between Berserkers

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Picking up where the last chapter left off, the champion of the gods and the champion of the humans have already been chosen.

On the side of the gods, it is the turn of one of the deadliest warriors the Egyptian pantheon has to offer, Seth, the god of chaos and brutality.

On the side of human kind, they will be represented by Logan, better known as Wolverine, a man who can fight with a fierce only comparable to that of a wild beast.

The repairs of the arena are ready, the fourth fight of the ragnarok will begin in a few moments.

Both contenders are already in their respective corners ready to enter the battlefield.

The seats in the stands are fully occupied. In the box of Zeus, there is an old and bandaged, he is the father of Olympus who is accompanied by his two sons Ares and Hermes.

Brunhilde and Goll are in their usual place where they watch the fights, this time they are accompanied by Adrian Stark, who asked for their permission to see his mentor in action up close.

Finally, in Odin's box, the father of Asgard is sit on his small throne with his two ravens prostrate on both shoulders. Loki accompanies him as usual and for this special occasion, Thor also decided to watch this fight, the god of thunder is bandaged since he still hasn't recovered from his injuries from his fight against Akuma.

Heimdall: Ladies and gentlemen! the long wait is finally over! we are ready to start the fourth round of the ragnarok tournament!

So far, the gods have a 2-1 lead against the humans! Previously we all witnessed how one of the most powerful leaders of Olympus fell in combat against that skilled samurai!

Could it be that this time the champion of the gods will manage to raise the balance even more in favor of the gods and put humanity in trouble again?

Or maybe the champion of humanity will annihilate our hero and balance the scales with the gods?!

Without further delay! allow me to introduce the participants!


Heimdall: In the corner of the gods! There comes a man who enjoys with the suffering of his enemies, in all the wars in which he has participated, he rejoiced with every kill he caused with his mighty battle ax! he even dared to challenge his brother Orus and fought againts him for 14 consecutive days until he was defeated, he was closed and tortured and even so, he maintains his ferocity on the battlefield !! In the Egyptian pantheon, everyone fears and respects him for his great strength and tenacity!!

Please give a big round of applause to Seth !! the god of chaos and destruction!!

Please give a big round of applause to Seth !! the god of chaos and destruction!!

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