Round 9: The Light of Hope vs Infinite Darkness, Part 1

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-----  Before starting the chapter, I would like to say that this fight will be divided into two parts, in my workplace, it is high sales season and therefore I am busier than ever, which leaves me with little time to dedicate to writing my fanfics, after January 8th I will be able to resume my stories more calmly. 

Since you my dear readers will have to wait for the day I mentioned before and added to the time it takes me to write the Buddha fight completely, I decided to publish what I have already done and I will finish the rest for later, even so, the chapter is quite long. Also, this will also be left with the feeling of wanting to know how this fight will end.

-- Enjoy it as always --


Narrator: The time to start the ninth round of ragnarok has begun, The seats on both sides of the stands are all taken, both gods and humans are very tense as both sides reached a tie with the last fight. The last preparations are being made, it is only a matter of a few minutes to start the battle.

As usual, Zeus and his allies are in the box of the father of Olympus, however, they received an unexpected visit from an ally who spent a good time healing his wounds.

???: Hello ladies, did you miss me?

Narrator: The four gods turned to see who was speaking to them and noticed that it was the one who gave them victory in the sixth round, It is about Tezcatlipoca who has already recovered after being seriously injured in his combat, now he carries a mechanical arm to replace the one he lost in battle, his familiar the jaguar Yaotl, also has a mechanical leg.

Narrator: The four gods turned to see who was speaking to them and noticed that it was the one who gave them victory in the sixth round, It is about Tezcatlipoca who has already recovered after being seriously injured in his combat, now he carries...

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Zeus: Oh ho ho, i see you I see that you are using a new arm and your kitty kat too, how are you feeling boy?

Tezcatlipoca: Wonderfully, for a makeshift work, Hephaestus did a great job with this prosthesis and Yaotl's too.

Ares: So Hephaestus created these mechanical pieces for you, eh? I have always been amazed at the speed with which he works.

Tezcatlipoca: I know right? I just had to offer him a few gallons of pulque and he agreed to do the job.

Hermes: It's good to have you back Tezcatlipoca, you're just in time to see the ninth round.

Tezcatlipoca: Nice! and who will be the representative of the gods this time?

Loki: Turns out it'll be a thorn in the ass, if he loses I wouldn't bother too much to be honest.

Tezcatlipoca: Seriously? I wonder who will it be? my foolish lil bro?

Loki: Nah, the old man wanted Buddha to fight in this round.

Tezcatlipoca: Buddha? that hippie good-for-nothing is going to represent us?

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